
01 November 2012

Swiss Steak - Rocky Mountain Organic Meats Giveaway

Technically, Swiss steak is round steak that has been put through a meat tenderizing machine or pounded with a tenderizer mallet and then braised in a tomato sauce. So I guess you could say, technically, my Swiss steak is not really Swiss steak at all because I don't tenderize the round steak and there's very little tomato in my recipe. But this is what we called Swiss steak in my family, so I have to go with it. 

Though the words "comfort food" often conjure up a picture of less-than-healthful eating, I'm pretty careful about what I eat, avoiding foods produced inhumanely, unsustainably, unethically, or with GMOs (genetically modified organisms), hormones, antibiotics, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides or any other "-cides." I look for non-CAFO (concentrated animal feeding operation), pastured or grass-fed and grass-finished meats; and if they are also certified organic, that's even better. 

This recipe always tasted good, but never better than this batch, made with 6 eye of round steaks kindly sent to me by Rocky Mountain Organic Meats, a great company you've read about here before, one that meets and even exceeds my requirements. And they are going to ship 6 eye of round steaks to one of my readers! See bottom of the post for giveaway details.

Swiss Steak

(Serves 8)

4 pounds round steak, cut into 24 pieces
6 tablespoons unbleached all-purpose flour, divided
5 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil, divided
1 teaspoon coarsely ground black pepper, divided
3/4 teaspoon salt, divided
1 1/3 cups chopped onion
3 cups water, divided
1/2 cup catsup 

4 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce
2 teaspoons marjoram

1/8 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes
1/4 cup each diced green and red bell pepper

1 Cut beef into serving pieces; pat dry with paper towels. Using up to 4 tablespoons of the flour, lightly flour one side only. If you have a 12-inch slope-sided skillet, brown the meat in 3 batches. If you have a 12-inch straight-sided skillet, brown the meat in 2 batches. In large skillet, heat 1 or 2 tablespoons of the oil. Add first batch of the meat to the pan, floured side down first, season with salt and pepper and brown very well on both sides. Put browned meat in Dutch oven. Repeat once or twice, depending on pan size. It's important not to put too much meat in the pan at once; crowding prevents proper browning. 

2 Preheat oven to 300 degrees. Add 1 tablespoon of oil to the skillet, and sauté onion about 10 minutes until lightly browned. Add 2 1/2 cups water, ketchup, Worcestershire sauce, marjoram and crushed red pepper flakes to skillet; heat to boiling and pour over beef in Dutch oven. Heat to boiling, reduce heat, cover Dutch oven with lid and place in oven to cook for 2 1/2 hours at 300 degrees. 

3 Move Dutch oven to stovetop. In jar, shake 2 tablespoons flour and 1/2 cup water until smooth. Stir flour mixture into gravy, cooking for about 5 minutes until thickened. Can be made ahead up to this point. If serving next day, let it cool, and refrigerate until 2 hours before serving time; stir in diced bell pepper and reheat slowly for 1 to 1 1/2 hours. For same-day serving, stir in diced bell pepper and continue cooking in oven at 300 degrees for 1 to 1 1/2 hours.

Note: Naturally, you'll want to serve this with Perfect Mashed Potatoes!

Another Note: You could also make out-of-this-world Chicken Fried Steak with these beautiful steaks!
Rocky Mountain Organic Meats Giveaway

One winner will receive 6 grass-fed organic beef eye of round steaks from Rocky Mountain Organic Meats. (Though the steaks are labeled as 8 ounces, which would total 3 pounds, they actually totaled nearly 4 pounds!) All continental US residents who leave a comment (one entry per person - and please include your email address in the body of your comment) on this post before 11:59 pm Eastern time Wednesday November 7 will be put into a random drawing. Winner will be announced here in the comments before noon Eastern time on Thursday November 8. If I don't hear back from the winner of the random drawing by 11:59 am Eastern time Sunday November 11, another drawing will be held and a new winner selected from the original entrants (those who commented before the giveaway deadline).

Disclosure: Product was sent to me for review purposes. I was not required to post about it and received no compensation for doing so. And, in case you don't know me, there is no amount of money or free product that can induce me to say something I don't mean!


  1. Great giveaway!

    My addy is mikeintexas (at)

  2. Mike, I thought of you up in the panhandle (and others in various parts of Texas) recently when I watched Bernie (played by Jack Black). There was a funny description of the various states in the state of Texas.

  3. I'd love this giveaway, being in the Rocky Mountains, it seems only right that I should have Rocky Mountain Organic Meats :) andreaandbrian at gmail dot com

  4. Yes, you could add "local" to its list of virtues!

  5. Wow! What a great giveaway, count me in.
    fiveburners at aol dot com

  6. The Swiss Steak looks delicious. I always make mine with my home canned sweet chili sauce, which is nothing more than a chunky version of ketchup, and I love the slight sweetness it adds to the dish. I will be trying your recipe. Especially if I win those steaks, LOL! anniebloom1 at gmail dot com

  7. Thanks, Annie's Granny! I hope you like it as much as we do. And I'll be rooting for you! (Just your words "home canned sweet chili sauce" have my mouth watering!)

  8. I hope I win. I like winning.
    lbacher at gmail

  9. This swiss steak looks beautiful and I bet it would be delicious on a bed of potatoes! I often buy my organic meats from Costco, but alas, they only have organic ground beef. Growing up in Colorado myself, I'm sure this Rocky Mountain Organic beef is tasty!

  10. Richard, yes, it really is tastier than other beef. My blind tasting even proved it!

  11. That is great! Please count me in.

  12. My mouth is watering already! Thanks.

  13. I make something similar but the sauce is more of a beef gravy. I'd love to try it with these organic steaks. They sound delicious and perfect for a Fall meal now that the chilly nights are coming.

  14. Forgot to include my email in the body of the comment

  15. Your recipe looks delicious and I'd love to try and make it myself.

  16. That recipe sounds absolutely delicious! Kinda reminds me of the beef stew recipe - which we now love at this house!

  17. Thanks, Kelly, bconsbruck, Judy and janysays!

  18. This is a great giveaway! I'm trying to replace more of my meat with the organic variety. (

  19. Please count me in. I'd love to try your delicious-sounding recipe!

    rusthawk at

  20. Jean, this recipe looks over the top delicious! Found you by perusing Foodgawker and after looking at your recipes, I'm a fan for sure :)
    roundebs at yahoo dot com

  21. Ok, that doesn't look like the Swiss steak I have had in the past. Maybe it if had looked like yours I would have actually eaten it!! :) Ok, so when I was in school was the last time I was served it, but that's not the point :)
    This is a great giveaway.. and would LOVE to win it!! jennsfoodjourney at gmail dot com

  22. Thank you, Jenn, roundebs, Rusthawk and Steel Springs!

  23. Calling all carnivores! Yes, I’m sure that somewhere in my genetic memory, from when my earliest ancestors were hunting Olduvai Gorge, there is a similar recipe. And for sure, in the tri-chotomy of head/heart/gut brain that we all have, there are neural cells screaming, “Feed me, Seymour!” whenever something mammalian trips past. However much I stray from that core food source, there are times when nothing but solid meat will restore my chemistry. Thank you for finessing the means of enjoying it. Have added your recipe to my menu. And throw me in the hat for the drawing, please:

  24. Thanks, Sully. Yes, sometimes I (who eat less meat than most omnivores) feel the need for meat. And when I do, I make it the good stuff!

  25. Pinned the recipe, my mother does something similar , will try adding the Worcestershire (love the flavor).
    Goes great with homemade gnocchi.
    Love the giveaway!!
    andreamcelesia @

  26. I love giveaways! I appreciate it most heartedly, there are other grassfed steaks that rock too!
    Check out the organic steak and beef from Beyond Organic, they are incredible: Beyond Organic Steak

  27. Have added this recipe to my recipe page and yes, I know, you wouldn't endorse Rocky Mountain meats unless you truly cared about my health and the health of our planet. Wish more people did. Add my address to the drawing:

  28. Thanks, Andrea, Paul and Karen. (Paul, I'll take *you* out of the drawing, though, since you don't need it!)

  29. Okay--add me to the drawing lightartedsue at gmail dot com

    Now...for dinner tonight--I was motivated by your Swiss Steak recipe (and photo) to pull out a hunk of beef from the freezer--not round steak but it'll have to do. The red pepper flakes sealed the deal. The perfect mashed potatoes an added MUST!

    I also was motivated to look through your site to see how you presented yourself. Love it! The only thing I would change is downplaying your photography skills. You do an excellent job with the food styling.

  30. You swiss steak looks so tender and delicious. Thanks for sharing the recipe and offering such a great giveaway! aneesa824 @ yahoo dot com.

  31. Looks totally delicious! And that's a fantastic giveaway.I'm shannonc -at- jhu -dot- edu

  32. Love comfort food like this...good for the tummy and great for the budget!
    slmorelli at

  33. Thanks, shannonc. Hope you'll try the recipe soon, just maybe with the RMOM beef!

  34. I'm hungry! That looks delicious.

  35. Nothing better than meat cooked low and slow! This sounds yummy, I bet my hubs would love it. Love some local cows, yum!! Did that sound weird?
    hiwendyhi at yahoo dot com

  36. Hi Jean,
    Your Swiss Steak looks wonderful, I can almost taste it. Have a great weekend and thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday.
    Come Back Soon!
    Miz Helen

  37. I enjoyed going thru all your wonderful recipes and this giveaway just makes it even better.
    My email is

  38. This sounds fantastic. Thanks for the chance.

    lovelydomesticdiva (at) gmail (dot) com

  39. That actually looks a lot like the Swiss Steak my grandma makes, but I doubt her recipe looks quite like that. I better stop by and ask her for it and compare them... and then maybe make them each!


  40. This recipe is worth dressing and driving to the store right after dinner! I just have to recreate the delicious goodness that you made sometime. Thanks for a generous giveaway.

  41. This is a new one for me! The only way we've ever cooked round steak in my family is dredged in flour and fried - chicken fried steak style I guess. It is actually my last meal request, along with mashed potatoes, green beans and sourdough bread!! Desert would be hot cherry pie & vanilla ice cream. That is my favorite meal.

  42. Elena and Kimm, so glad you like it. Thanks!

  43. This recipe looks delicious! My Mother used to make a version similar with Organic farmed lamb when I was growing up in Australia. What a great give away also. I'd love to try the Rocky Mountain Organic meats

  44. I haven't had swiss steak in years. Thanks for sharing your recipe.

  45. Fabulous giveaway! Thank you!

    shannoncarman at yahoo dot com

  46. Thanks, Bron, Karen and Shannon! RMOM has organic, grassfed lamb as well, I believe.

  47. What a giveaway!!!! And what a delicious sounding recipe!!!

  48. I would love to be added to your contest, sounds delish and it would be great to find a new source for healthy food for my family.
    Love reading your blog, great content.
    meri dot allen34 at

  49. But not if you're gonna sous vide it, Greg! :D

  50. Fantastic Giveaway! Count me in! Thanks! jennysrainbow at msn dot com

  51. Where's the beef! Coming to me, I hope!! LOL. I'd sure love to win this one -- we love steak!
    Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net

  52. does that sound divine...thanks so much

  53. Wow 62 comments!! So folks either want the red meat or they want to re-gift for Xmas. Frankly, if I was to win, I would prefer that a cook came with the meat, I'm a moron in the kitchen.

    drags59 at yahoo dot com

  54. Heh, first chicken steak and now Swiss - You sure come out with some things I've never heard of before Jean. Now you've got me curious about this thing - it looks and sounds delightful though...!

  55. Thanks, Charles! And both - the chicken fried steak and the swiss steak - are made with round steak. Guess they're not widely (if at all!) known outside the United States.

  56. *Giveaway Winner Announced* - The winner, by random drawing, of the organic grassfed beef is Rusthawk. Rusthawk, as soon as you send me, delightfulrepast at aol dot com, your name, address and phone number (required by shipper), Rocky Mountain Organic Meats will ship the meat to you. Congratulations!

    If I don't hear from the winner of the random drawing by 11:59 am Eastern time Sunday, November 11, another drawing will be held and a new winner selected from among the original entrants (those who commented before the giveaway deadline).

    This was fun! I'll be doing another giveaway this month! The sixth in 2012! In the meantime, follow me on Google and Twitter. You can even use the Follow Me By Email button in the right column.

    Come back Friday for a delicious side dish for your autumn celebrations!

  57. This looks great. Since discovering grass fed beef, I've been serving it more to my family and I'm searching for some new and different grass fed steak recipes. I'm going to try this one,

  58. Janice, if only all beef ranchers would go to grassfed (and grass-finished) beef. It's not just better for us, it's better for the animals and for the planet.

  59. I made this for our Sunday dinner tonight. The work is worth it, everyone loved it. Next time I am going to try real tomatoes instead of ketchup. Especially in the summer.

    Thank you for sharing this one!

  60. Thanks, Tammi! I'm glad it was a hit! I like the brown gravy thing better than a tomato saucy thing and just put a *little* ketchup (2 T per lb of meat) in for color and acid. But who doesn't like tomatoes?! :D Had I grown tomatoes this year, I'd have a batch of my roasted tomato soup in the freezer right now. Oh well ...

  61. Non-GMO, very funny. Ever eaten sweet potato? That's technically GMO food produced by nature and selected for by humans. Ever drunk beer? Do you think the yeast in there is still "conserved". Wake up and realise GMO is not a bad thing in itself. Educate yourself and learn what it means. Also good luck getting enough to eat without using any -cides in the future. Curious how that's going to work.

  62. Anonymous, I agree; we all need to educate ourselves and learn what it means.


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