Belgian waffles might be the perfect comfort food breakfast, but we've been known to make Belgian waffles for dinner! And I don't mean a savory version, I mean the breakfast version with just butter and syrup. Years ago we had a stovetop Belgian waffle maker that we wore completely out. When we recently decided to replace it, we researched all the electric ones and decided on the Cuisinart WAF-100. (Update 2014: That model has been replaced by the Cuisinart WAF-300 4-Slice Belgian Waffle Maker.)
Besides all the other good things about it (see Equipment Review - Cuisinart WAF-100 Belgian Waffle Maker), it takes 2 cups of batter. So the recipe I had developed for regular waffles, and which works just as well for Belgian waffles, will make two of these. Exactly. No leftover batter. That's important to me. I hate waste. And the leftovers are great! I mean it. Great. I put the two leftover squares in the refrigerator and heated them in the toaster the next day, and they were as good as new! So I stirred up another batch specifically for freezing. Just thaw the desired number of squares in the refrigerator overnight (or in the microwave in the morning), pop them in the toaster, and there you go! No need to ever eat a store-bought frozen waffle again. Ever.
This is my basic recipe. Sometimes I use different whole grain flours or throw in some very finely chopped pecans, but I always use this formula. We like to think the three eggs transform it into a seriously nutritious, high-protein breakfast. Tell me: How do you like your waffles? And do you prefer Belgian or regular? People tend to feel very strongly about that!
Update 06/29/17: Just posted my Homemade Blueberry Syrup or Sauce.
Buttermilk Belgian Waffles
(Makes two Cuisinart WAF-100 Belgian waffles or six 7-inch round regular waffles)
1 3/4 packed cups (8.75 ounces) unbleached all-purpose flour
1/4 cup buttermilk powder
1 tablespoon baking powder
1 tablespoon sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
3 large eggs, room temperature, well beaten
1 1/2 cups milk, room temperature
Buttermilk Belgian Waffles
(Makes two Cuisinart WAF-100 Belgian waffles or six 7-inch round regular waffles)
1 3/4 packed cups (8.75 ounces) unbleached all-purpose flour
1/4 cup buttermilk powder
1 tablespoon baking powder
1 tablespoon sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
3 large eggs, room temperature, well beaten
1 1/2 cups milk, room temperature
2 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted and cooled
2 tablespoons organic canola oil
1 In 2-quart glass measure, whisk together dry ingredients. In a 1-quart glass measure, whisk together the eggs, milk, butter and oil. Pour into dry mixture and combine. Let batter rest 5 minutes before using. Spray both upper and lower grids with cooking spray, or apply a little canola oil with a paper towel or pastry brush. Preheat waffle iron.
2 Ladle 2 cups batter onto center of waffle iron (or 1/2 cup onto each of the squares); spread batter evenly over the grid. Close the lid and bake until the green light comes on and the audible tone sounds, about 5 to 6 minutes. When the tone sounds (another signal is that the steam stops), open lid and remove the waffle. Close lid and wait a minute or two for iron to reheat. Repeat with remaining batter. Serve with cold unsalted butter and warm real maple syrup or whatever you like.

2 tablespoons organic canola oil
1 In 2-quart glass measure, whisk together dry ingredients. In a 1-quart glass measure, whisk together the eggs, milk, butter and oil. Pour into dry mixture and combine. Let batter rest 5 minutes before using. Spray both upper and lower grids with cooking spray, or apply a little canola oil with a paper towel or pastry brush. Preheat waffle iron.
2 Ladle 2 cups batter onto center of waffle iron (or 1/2 cup onto each of the squares); spread batter evenly over the grid. Close the lid and bake until the green light comes on and the audible tone sounds, about 5 to 6 minutes. When the tone sounds (another signal is that the steam stops), open lid and remove the waffle. Close lid and wait a minute or two for iron to reheat. Repeat with remaining batter. Serve with cold unsalted butter and warm real maple syrup or whatever you like.
Oh, I love Belgian waffles! these looks great
Thank you so much, Paula. I think you are my first commenter from Poland!
I have a waffle maker. I mean - it's sitting four feet away from me and it's sadly underused. It might even be depressed. This does look enticing and my family would jump and down if I made these. Many thanks for the visit! Look forward to reading more of your entries.
I love waffles of any kind! Yours looks so delicious...I'm now thinking I need to make waffles this morning! Even though we don't do it very often, breakfast for dinner is one of our favorite things! Thanks for sharing, Jean!
I love breakfast food, it's my absolute favorite. I don't mind whether my waffles are regular or Belgian, but I do need lots of butter. Paula Dean is a big proponent of using extra butter and I agree 100%.
My favorite breakfast food is pancakes.. do you have a neat pancake recipe:
Yes, Reggie, lots of butter! And you can find my pancake recipe among the July posts: http://delightfulrepast.blogspot.com/2010/07/pancakes-perfect-pancakes-hotcakes.html.
Thanks, Claudia and Jenn. I hope you did make these or will soon!
It's almost 8pm, that isn't too late for waffles, is it? These look amazing!
No, stir some up, Valerie, it's never too late for waffles!
I lived in Brussel and loved Belgian waffles. Sure gonna try your recipe. Regards, Jan Fredrik
Thanks, Jan Fredrik! Don't know how "authentic" they are, but they are delicious. Crispy on the outside, fluffy on the inside. And the batter works for regular waffles as well--just use a smaller amount for each waffle.
This looks like a great recipe - I'll definitely give it a try.
Got some others lined up as well. Brown rice waffles for eating whilst out training.
Also got the recipe for some more savoury ones with cheddar cheese and crispy bacon that will have to be tried. ;)
// Mike
Thanks, Mike. We really like it. And when I'm in a gluten-free mood, I make it just the same way but substituting a GF blend for the flour (like 3/4 cup quinoa flour, 2/3 cup brown rice flour and 1/3 cup potato starch) and adding 1/4 teaspoon xanthan gum.
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