I just read that people share more than 27,000,000 pieces of content every day. So I can understand why so many bloggers are trying to learn how to get more eyes on their blogs. "Grow Your Blog Traffic" bloggers make up a huge niche in the blogosphere. Wonder if there are more of them than there are food bloggers?
Oh, BTW, here's the link to the Indian Pudding.
Would I love to be a "successful" food blogger with a huge audience? Of course! But I don't usually think about that. If I did, I'd have to pay attention to things I'd rather not. Things like posting frequency and timing, stats, SEO, email lists, paid promotions on social media platforms, what recipes are "trending."
If you are a blogger who is doing all these things, please don't think I'm criticizing you. I'm just envious of your mad technical skills!
Posting Frequency and Timing
Posting more than once a week is not going to happen. Being a freelance writer (print and web), working with clients and having a life, makes the requisite three times a week (according to many sources) impossible. And, it is said, there are certain days of the week and times of day that are better than others. (Sorry you caught me yawning!)
Oh my. Unique pageviews versus pageviews, traffic sources, I can't even tell you all the stuff that can be tracked, should one be inclined to track them. I am not inclined. I'd be more inclined to sit and do algebra and calculus all afternoon, which might be Mr Delightful's idea of a good time, but definitely not mine.
Pumpkin Swirl Cheesecake - Slow Cooker Method
(but you can bake it in the oven if you like)
I know it means search engine optimization, but beyond that, well, it's beyond me. I just write what I write. I try to write a blog post that will inform and, sometimes, entertain my readers or a recipe that is original, appealing and clearly written so cooks at any skill level can make a success of it. I don't give a thought to such things as keywords and rankings.
But I just happened to read an interesting thing on the subject of SEO:
Whenever you visit a blog you should make a point to leave it from another page. Something about "juice." If you just visit the first page you come to, it won't help the blog's SEO; but if you click to another page of the blog before you leave, it will.
So I'm trying to do this for all the bloggers I visit and, of course, would appreciate it if my visitors would do the same because, well, I need all the help I can get, right?!
(I read that somewhere on The Blogger's Lifestyle.)
Email Lists
I keep reading about the importance of growing an email list. Can't tell you how or why because I haven't done it.
Paid Promotions on Social Media Platforms
Okay, I am on Twitter and, more recently, Pinterest; but I'm not on Facebook, Instagram, Yummly, Google+ or any of the other such things that seem to just keep on coming. And paid promotions on them? Uh uh. Not for me.
Research What Recipes/Subjects Are Trending
Maybe it's just me, but I don't care what recipes/subjects are trending. I eat what I like and cook what I like, and that's what I'm going to write about for my readers. Call something "trendy" ...
... and I'll go out of my way to avoid it. When I write a travel review or product review, it's of a place or thing I like and feel good about recommending to my readers; I don't care if it's "in" or "out."
The conclusion of the matter, all things having been considered, is this: I'm hopeless, not high-tech, so help me out. If you are on Facebook, Google+, Pinterest, Twitter or any other social media and you like what you read here at Delightful Repast, share it. I'll try to reciprocate in some way.
And please leave a comment. I'd love to hear what all my smart readers have to say about all this. If you are a blogger, what is your Number One blogging tip? Or the one thing you just can't be bothered with?
Great post! I think there is too much info available and when I come upon a blog I like (like yours!) I receive it as a happy blessing! Mmmmm. Ginger-y treats!
Karen, thank you! I like to keep it simple, uncluttered, easily navigable.
This is a great post and I totally agree. When I'm managing social media for others (like FB groups for organizations I volunteer for) I understand the posting and follow the stats and see how they work. I'm aware of it all and it's fun when you see great numbers except...
Except I only care some on that. If I share and join a blog party it's because I like the site and get ideas from it and want to share. If I happen to pick up a one time reader, great and a follower, even better. But if I don't -- I'm not agonizing over it. I write my blog to build relationships with people, not just get numbers. I do it to share things I love and if people enjoy it, that makes me happy. I visit blogs to learn things and connect. I love comments, love 'em! I get frustrated when I can't reply directly to the blogger, but I hope they know how much those comments mean.
I have FB, Pinterest and Twitter accounts I never visit and am scared to sign up for Instagram because I have a feeling I could fall into a hole for which I have no time!
I love visiting your blog because I always learn something, you have a wonderful way of writing so warmly and personally and the recipes I've tried have been great. I'm so glad I discovered you!
Jeanie, thank you so much. Really! The blogosphere is amazing and overwhelming, and it must be very frustrating for those who want to conquer it. I'm glad to have you among those bloggers I interact with regularly. Your blog always takes me on a mini-vacation.
Blogging for me is all about doing it the way you are comfortable with. Love those cupcakes♥
Summer, thank you. Those cupcakes are soooo fluffy! Yes, whatever you're comfortable with. Blogging can be done at many levels. Some bloggers are really comfortable with technology and are very enthusiastic about making their blogs a more-than-full-time business, and I think that's wonderful. And others are at the opposite end of the spectrum, just posting random thoughts very infrequently when they're in the mood, and that's wonderful as well!
Can't keep up with all the social media things...too much and too tiring, at least for me. I post when I can though I do try my best to be consistent, but things happen.
Love your blog and recipes, Jean! Now I am off to do my afternoon pilates :-))
Thanks, Angie. You are very consistent. And I always know what to expect when I visit your blog - delicious recipes utilizing all sorts of different grains, vegetables, etc, unusual combinations, contrasting colors and textures, all beautifully presented.
I enjoy your blog and I love food. I do blog and it's the way I feel like doing it, if it became a 'job' I'd probably stop. Those cupcakes do look yummy!
There are too many social media platforms to chose from and how do you know what works best for you? As a garden writer I was encouraged to start a FB page and Twitter and I can honestly say after being dubious about FB it has connected me with friends and fellow bloggers which I enjoy. Twitter and Google + I have but rarely post on because over time I learned what I was comfortable with. Pinterest and Instagram I do like but only visit maybe once a week.
I post on my blog once a week because I have a life beyond my computer that includes family, volunteer organizations and classes/workshops I like to attend. Personally I feel people who blog daily or three times a week, as the experts suggest, put pressure on the people who follow and read their blog. We all eventually find our niche and mine includes hanging out with blogging sisters who also post once a week or often less.
If you were to start a FB page for your recipes/cooking ideas it would be a pleasure to share on my own page because it's so easy to push the 'share' icon.
I am with you all the way on this Jean. The only reason I blog is because I really really enjoy writing the posts.If nobody actually looked at them, and I often think they don't, I am not sure I would mind all that much. I have an urge to get my thoughts and ideas out there and that's it. I find it therapeutic, cathartic, emotionally satisfying, what you will. It gives me a buzz to write an article and the pleasure and satisfaction bit ends with that. How my posts are received is left to chance!!! Well done for analysing your thoughts , Jean. All the best, Tony
Thank you, Sylvia. I think you've said it right there, "if it became a 'job'..."
Thank you, Judith. Funny how something different works for everyone. I like Twitter, but will never be on Facebook. Much as I appreciate that more people on Facebook would share my stuff, I just can't take it on. So many people on Google+ use it for their commenting system, and I wonder if they realize they are blocking everyone who isn't on Google+ from commenting.
Tony, I'm not quite as "easygoing" in my blogging aspirations as you are. :-) You are such a good writer on so many topics, I think you should be in print!
Interesting, Jean, because I do not care about any of these things either...obviously! Ha! I don't have the energy to have a popular blog. Oh, but I will try to employ what you suggested about clicking to another page and for everyone? Yikes. Maybe I don't have time for that either. =D
Vee, thanks! As I understand it, "leaving from a second page" doesn't take more than a few seconds; you just click on the second page, you don't have to read it.
Jean, you have so much information that I didn't know here. I blog for enjoyment and to journal some of my life online. I do appreciate the other big bloggers. It's just not me. I appreciate the lovely recipes and information you share. ♥
Thanks, Martha Ellen! "It's just not me" kind of sums it up for me.
Oh my goodness!
I simply love this post!
And I appreciate you so for sharing your thoughts...which by the way...I totally share!
I have no clue about all that stuff!
I simply write from my heart and enjoy it.
Thanks again!
Have a cozy evening. : )
I truly dislike blogs that are full of commercial pop ups so annoyimg when your trying to visit and read.. And I'm not one to have all the hoop la.. I'm not here to impress just share my love of certain things and I'm not looking to gain a thousand followers what readers and follwers I do gain I want to appreciate them and get to know them on a personal level.. It means much more to me to gain a real friend with time.. I like the pudding and the cupcakes.. Nice post with love Janice
Billie Jo, thank you so much! Yes, writing from the heart and connecting with readers is more important than numbers. I hope you have a cozy evening as well!
Thank you, Janice! And I think you do a wonderful job of sharing that love with your readers. It's been so nice getting to know you through your blog where you share your cozy home and your darling grands! I'd hate to see anything change that.
Thank you kindly for the link Jean. This is a very clever post. I am glad that there are so many who just blog because they like blogging. Other still like blogging but they also have another agenda and they watch and learn from stats. We love and accept them all.
Thanks again,
Blogger's Pit Stop
Thanks, Kathleen. Glad you liked it. I'm amazed at the things I've learned from your site in the short time since I discovered it!
Hi Jean, I'm with you. It's way too much work and time to do all of that! Interesting info you shared though. Thanks so much for your recent visit to my blog.
Happy November!
There is definitely something to be said for writing for yourself. I didn't know that about visiting another page...I will try to do that more often. And I will do it for you today! :)
Thanks, Gina! Just keep doing whatever you're doing! And Happy November to you as well.
Michelle, thanks so much. And isn't it amazing that there's always something more to be learned about this whole blogging thing?!
I like it whenever one of your posts pops up in my email. Surprise! And thank goodness, no pumpkin spice anything! I'll go click on another page before I leave, actually that Indian pudding recipe. It's been a long time since I've made one.
Amen, my friend! I can't post more than once a week nor do I want to. I try to entertain and also put out a great recipe. I will have a three year blog anniversary soon and I have to admit I love doing it and it's NOT for the money because what there is, is very little. I checked out your Pumpkin Cheesecake and I pinned it and share on my Facebook page. I asked a little question on the post. Have a great weekend and we are of like minds.
Bonnie, that is so sweet! Thank you. I love eating pumpkin things, but food bloggers and print media DO go into a bit of overkill with it every autumn! :D
Marisa, thank you. And, since I'm not on Facebook, I really appreciate it when those who are share my posts there. Thank you!
What? Friday? 32 comments already. Wait a minute…it’s FRIDAY, Sully. You wrote the “J” on Friday instead of Thursday on your calendar. I do that for the whole year – a “J” on every Thursday but I did it for Friday on this week. Throwback to when they WERE on Fridays maybe? So I’m late to the table…but just in time for dessert. Your sample lemon cupcakes and cheesecake, yum, yum. Even though the blog itself is about…blogs. And on that subject I completely agree. Was dragged kicking and screaming into digital social networks of any kind. I’ve never pushed it, or reached out, but I try to be responsive. Like you, I look at the technology, but it’s such a cattle call of trendy schemes that I have less and less interest in traffic. Of course, I don’t actually blog if you don’t count FB. I keep a presence where I can (because of invitations), but only say active on the one. Life is too short… So food for thought is as good as the tangible stuff. 5 cleavers!
Sully, thank you! Yes, it is Friday; and, yes, I used to post on Fridays. The digital world is all a bit much for this 18th century woman, but I think I'm much better with it than I would ever have thought! :D Five cleavers! Well, you would definitely love the cupcakes and should make them.
Since I always come in on your home page and then visit your most recent post I can say I got your back. GREG
Thanks, Greg! :-)
Hi Jean! I like you and only post once a week, which enough for me, unless there's something special, like a teacup exchange. When I first started blogging, I posted three times a week, but that is hard to do, at least for me. I'd much rather have a life! Now I'm off to visit your Indian pudding recipe....that sounds delightful!
Interesting post, Jean! When I started blogging eight years ago, I started out with a totally different blog than the one I have now. I used to write short stories for our church bulletin and when I stopped, I missed it, so I started a blog to keep my creativity going. But after a year or so, I was feeling more inclined to share my collection of tea things and recipes. So I began one of the very first tea parties in Blogland. That branched out into another party but dwindled after some computer issues I had. The tea parties ran for almost seven years and I loved it. I "met" some of the loveliest ladies, including you! A few weeks ago, I decided to shut the parties down for personal reasons and I am enjoying the freedom. You see, I felt an obligation to host even when I should have been taking a break. I am neither computer savvy nor techy so the blog is all I use on social media. It's enough for me. At the moment I post when I feel like it and the blog is no longer controlling me. I'm controlling it and I am comfortable with that. Now I'm going to check out your Indian pudding because it sure looks good! Have a lovely weekend and thanks for another thought provoking post.
Thanks, Kitty! I can't imagine blogging three times a week!
Sandi, thank you. I can only imagine how that hosting could weigh you down after a while, one more thing you *have* to do. I'm glad you're doing what you're comfortable with.
Thanks for the interesting post! My blog is a hobby and like the freedom of posting whatever I want whenever I want! Sometimes I fantasize about being paid to blog about tea, but then it would become work and not as fun!
Margie, I'm glad you liked it. I wasn't sure how it would be received. Every time I give an afternoon tea, someone says I should open a tearoom. Uh uh. Like you said, then it would become work!
Darling Jean, HELLO!!!!!
First of all, your recipe is something I need to check out. I used to make Indian Pudding when I lived in Massachusetts. What a treat that was, but I since lost the recipe upon moving to Minnesota! I shall look at your recipe.
Blogging traffic: Hmmmm.......
I used to have quite a following, and many, many comments left on my blog. That has diminished by half, and I have no idea why. My theories range from my blog being uninteresting to the fact that I simply don't have what people want. VOILÀ. I noticed that the blogs with all the traffic are those that have a product or a trendy style that people want, and I don't have that! But I've also learned to scale back a bit because my reality is that I simply cannot put that amount of time into my blog. I started out for fun, continued with a few kindred spirits that had fun with me, but they too have dropped out of the picture, and I am left to ponder, alone. But now I blog just for MYSELF, and if anyone wants to visit me, leave me a comment (as you did, thank you), then that's wonderful.
This is a topic that I know is important to all of us who put time and effort and heart into our posts! ENJOY the season, and thank you for visiting!
Anita, I hope you'll enjoy the Indian Pudding recipe.
I don't think anyone would find your blog "uninteresting," but perhaps some of the people surfing the web are not inclined to slow down and look at art. Your fine art photography is incredible, and each time I visit your blog I feel as if I'm visiting an art gallery.
Hi JEan! Nice to meet you. I found you on Blogging Grandmothers linky.
I couldn't agree more about all that how to have a wildly successful blog stuff!!
That line about you wanted to do calculus more than investigating stats etc, was hilarious!!
That is precisely my feelings!! And I HATE math with a passion!
That Indian pudding pic looks so mouth watering! And you can make that cheese cake in a crock pot????
Now I gotta make sure I leave your blog from a diff page!
Thanks, Melinda/PSIR! I don't mind "regular" math, but beyond that ... (Oops, there I go yawning again). I hope you like my recipes. I think of my Indian pudding as the Indian pudding even for people with texture issues, but that's too long for a name.
I didn't know that about leaving a blog from another page. So excuse me, I'll just leave through that door over there on the left. I hope it's not the coat closet.
Too funny, Ellen! No, that one is to the loo! :D
Lots of great info Jean! And the Indian Pudding recipe too. I've never had it before, must try it. Didn't know it was comfort food for the pilgrims. Thanks so much for joining in on our Blogging Grandmothers Link Party #1. We sure appreciate you partying with us!
Thanks, Grammy, glad you liked it! I loved meeting new-to-me bloggers at the party.
Jean - it does seem that we are twins separated at birth. First, the garlic issue, and now our lack of interest in technical issues for our blogs! I blog because I love food, love sharing it with my friends and family, love photography, love writing, and I needed an outlet for all those things. The blog is my perfect platform! I didn't even know what SEO stand for until yesterday! I am so pathetic… Now, onto that Indian pudding... the REAL reason I a here! xo
David, I knoooooow! Thank you so much for commenting on this un-tasty topic!
Great post! Now I learnt about the SEO tip from you. I don't have any tip, in particular, other than consistently posting. Whether it is, once a week or twice or week. Thank you for sharing with us at #HomeMattersParty .We would love to see you again next week.
Thank you, Sahana! See you next week!
2 main things came to mind as I read this:
a) You are clearly treating your blog in the most authentic way possible, doing what works for you and posting out of a love for your subject, not trying to manipulate the interwebs. In the long run, I feel like that can only have a positive outcome.
b) Of all the blogs I visit, yours stands out with the number of comments on every post. In other words, regardless of your "stats", engagement among your readers is particularly high.
Oh, ok, 3rd thing: I can't keep up with SEO wizardry so I'm going to trust you and go to another page now. :)
Aaaw, Pauline, your comment practically brought tears to my eyes! Thank you so much! I do love my subject and interacting with my wonderful readers.
I love this post, it sure made me feel better!! Your food always looks great and I will have the pudding soon! Hope you are having a wonderful week and thanks so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday.
Miz Helen
Thanks so much, Miz Helen. I know, like me, you're too busy in the kitchen to get too awful carried away with technical stuff! :D
I hear you Jean! Blogging is just fun for me and I don't have time for all of the pressure. I didn't even know what unique bloggers were until a while ago. Someone suggested I be included in something. Can't even remember what it was now. lol! I had to fill out a survey and it wanted to know my # of unique bloggers. I was like, what? :) Thanks for sharing with SYC.
Hahaha, brilliant post Jean. You've obviously doing something right, look at all the comments you've got. I must say I miss the old blogging days when I just used to post what I liked and didn't need to worry about SEO and promotion and all the other stuff. It's definitely not as much fun doing it professionally (that's the theory anyway) and it's a lot of hard work. I'm not sure I've got any tips to leave because you're obviously doing all the right things. I will, however, definitely click on to another page. That's a really good tip.
Jann, thanks for weighing in on this! Yes, I had someone ask about my "uniques" once; she had to explain it to me!
Thank you, Choclette. I don't know about that (doing all the right things), but I do know I love interacting with my readers and visiting their blogs, if they are bloggers.
I think it all boils down to a few things. If you like what you are doing, like who you are reaching, and are happy with your blog, then keep doing what you are doing. If you want to make money with your blog then all the things you mentioned above are worth learning. But knowing who you are writing to, giving them ideas, solutions and helpful tips are important no matter the goals you have for your blog. Not all of us need to follow the same path, if you're happy, and it sounds as if you, then keep it up and don't let yourself be conflicted. Enjoy it!
Thanks, Nikki. I think you're right. We all have different reasons and goals for blogging, and there is room in the blogosphere for all! "To infinity and beyond!"
Jean, I always enjoy your post and I hate, hate the email pop-ups. BlogHer has my blog coded as much as I care to have it and that is about it for me. I do sponsored content if I like it but, I don't think they have sent me anything I liked at all this year. I do pin a lot and I like the visual stuff (pretty pictures). But, I really don't look much at the stats. I realized soon after I started that I was going to have to find a niche and enjoy it or I wouldn't stay with it. So tea and food became my favorite. I really never get tired of tea or baking. I always enjoy your recipe post. You and I have some of the same intrests. Keep up the good work, it is always fun to visit you! Thanks for sharing at Home Sweet Home!
I offer blogging tips at my site, so I agree these tips are valuable. Do you have a stumble button?
Thanks for bringing your post to Blogger's Pit Stop
Janice, Pit Stop Crew
Sherry, thank you! I always enjoy visiting The Charm of Home. And I agree, I really never get tired of tea or baking!
Janice, I've picked up a number of valuable tips at your site, thank you! No, I don't think I have a Stumble button. I think I did at some point, but then somewhere along the line it disappeared when some changes were made. Do I need one?
Oh I love this! I get so wound up about the stats and need to just chillax. I had no idea about clicking through to another page to help a blog out. I'll be doing that!
I have an email list but have been ignoring it for the past 2 months as my website was being redesigned (thanks to Heather Moritz Designs - she's amazing!). I also have a google + account but that falls to the bottom of my list as well. Just so much to think about now that I'm blogging again after being out of the game for 7 years! whew!
Cindy, thank you. And I'm glad you're back! I'll be having my 7th blogiversary (of continuous weekly posts) in February. If I ever stopped, I don't know if I could start again! :D I just have to keep plugging away.
Good post. I'm a hobby blogger, so I don't worry much about anything other than trying to put together good recipes, and write about them clearly. It'd be a bummer if no one read them, of course, but I really don't do a whole lot to promote them. And no, I don't know why I need an email list either. :-)
Thank you, John. You definitely succeed at putting together good recipes and writing about them clearly!
What a wonderfully refreshing post!
I found writing back to commenters by email and on the blog increased my comments dramatically.
Be blessed!
Please drop by and say hello!
Harvest Lane Cottage
...doing what I can with what I've got where I am
on a short shoestring budget!
Laura, thank you. When I dropped in at Harvest Lane Cottage, I couldn't resist looking up your recipe you called Salad Soup! What a fun name for a simmering soup!
Hi Jean!
I blogged professionally and made good money for several years---but finally decided the stress and competition just weren't worth it for me! I've been enjoying blogging on my own schedule again and have had lots more time to get my print publications out! Yes, there's good money to be made---but it's hard not to feel like you've sold your soul. Ha!
Thanks for linking up at The Homemaking Party!
Sarah, thanks for weighing in on this. I hate stress and competition! :D Glad you're enjoying blogging now.
It has to remain about fun, rather than stats, doesn't it??? When lots of us (myself included) find ourselves time-poor, I'm constantly amazed by the hours some people spend "keeping up" with on-line social lives in one way or another. Via a blog or website, I love that you can have a conversation with someone who's so far away that they're sleeping while you're writing and vice versa - and my own experience is that people who blog are generally very generous-hearted people so receiving their comment brings a smile to my day. Because I have a website that's not on Blogger, I seem to miss out on being able to follow and reply to people the easy way, however, I'm not going to stress over it too much. Who needs the pressure when it was supposed to be FUN?! Similarly, when going about my usual daily business (not on-line) I am led to believe that I am the ONLY person alive who is not on Facebook and that I just need to catch up. I do think it's a shame that many people appear to spend more time keeping-up with their Facebook appearance than they do with their real world - none of us are perfect and yet many seem to feel pressured into using Facebook as a medium to paint this perfect picture of themselves, their perfect families and their prefect pets! All I can say is - they must be exhausted!
P.S. I will go to many more pages of yours and have a good wander around before I leave - that's the point of 'smurfing' around, isn't it?
Have a good weekend
Dawn, no, you are not the only person alive who is not on Facebook. There are TWO of us! I just don't get it. There are people who blog three or more times a week and do several social medias every day, and from what I understand NObody has any more than 24 hours in the day, so I think they must CLONE themselves! Thanks for checking out my blog. I'm just heading out the door now, but I'll visit yours when I get back.
I belong to a FB page that is for 'business bloggers' and it has almost 30,000 members at last count and growing! No, I'm not a business blogger but there are many, many helpful people in this group so if something techy goes wrong with my blog (I'm on Wordpress) I know someone has my back. I'm always amazed at the amount of things one would need to know to have a blog that generates a good income and I give kudos to those that have the know how to make it happen, but I'm not there and never will be. The online world is full of opportunity for those with the energy and skills to make it happen and frankly, I wouldn't mind passive income! I'm retired and don't 'need' the income to survive but I wouldn't turn my back on a few extra bucks ;). It makes my head spin when I see all the tools out there, especially on Wordpress, but since I like my head to remain in place, I'll pass tyvm ;).
(I actually wrote a similar type post on this subject that's in my draft folder waiting for when we go south for the winter for three months! I like to schedule my once a week posts in advance while there for three months.)
Thank you for stopping by this morning and commenting!
Doreen, thank you so much for commenting on this. (Passive income does sound good!) I'll look forward to your post when you fly with the snowbirds!
I enjoyed reading your musings about being a successful blogger. I am still quite new at this so find the technicalities of blogging very complex as well, but I am trying hard to get to grips with it all. I liked your honesty and the fact that 'trendy' doesn't rule your world, it doesn't rule mine either. I want to enjoy every post I make and that way I think the readers will enjoy it too. I think, however, that the super successful bloggers do follow the trends as I am sure it brings more traffic to their blogs.
Oh, and I've shared your post in several places too:)
Thanks, Monika! I hope you'll enjoy blogging for many years to come. And thank you for sharing my post; always greatly appreciated.
I want you to know that I appreciate it that I can come to your blog and not be inundated with pop up ads for this and that. I was looking for a particular recipe this morning, and when I got to the blog that supposedly had it, I left in less than a minute. One after another pop up ads flashed in my face. It seems ultra rude to me. So, I just wanted you to know that. Thanks, Jean.
Judy, thanks for letting me know. I feel the same way. Those pop-up ads drive me mad!
AMEN!! I agree with you on almost all of this Jean.
Of course, like you, I too want mine to grow but I cannot do all that requires. It will drive me bonkers and I don't think I could do anything else!
It's a big deal that I can post once a week!!
Hang in there!
Im off to find another page from your site :)
Thanks so much, Nazneen! Yes, I definitely feel like it's a very big deal that I can post once a week!
Jean I am so glad you stopped by my blog the other day. Otherwise, I would never have found you. This is such an on point post that it is funny if it weren't so sad. I started blogging almost 2 years ago and lived in anonymous bliss for the first 4 months. It was great I got to make my projects upload them and that was that. No comments and no sharing. Once I started to get on the blogging treadmill things picked up steam. I kinda miss those early days but I'm glad I've made so many valuable friendships and many have commented above. Had I known what blogging is I am sure I never would have done it. It is beyond the human brain what has to happen in order for a post to be considered complete. I am exhausting myself just writing about it. I believe what is important is community and consistency and not the 3 posts per week. I only do 2, because any more and the quality would suffer. You keep on doing what you do best. It is obvious that you are doing just fine.
Mary, thank you. You are so right -- "It is beyond the human brain what has to happen in order for a post to be considered complete." I don't know how you do it twice a week. Thanks for the encouraging words!
Well, from the looks of it, you've got it all down pat without even trying! Great blog, awesome content, and a mega huge crowd watching. Bravo! Great read...Now, I'm on to see what else I can find on your blog. mmm...I'm hungry now.
Thank you so much, Unknown! I was feeling a bit overwhelmed, and you just made my day!
I love this! I agree and feel the exact same way. I decorate and craft they way I like and post when I feel compelled to do so. I still have a floral couch and a giant red wall in my kitchen. I have heard that both are no longer on trend. Oh well. I love them and I live here and that's good enough! ;) Now, I am off to visit that Indian Pudding post. Yum!
Thanks, Kim! I hope you enjoy your floral couch and giant red wall for many years to come! I think it saves a lot of money and keeps our stress level down not trying to keep up with trends.
I think it's so easy to get caught up in the numbers game. But I feel like if I invest too much time doing that, I won't truly give my all to the writing. The struggle is real.
Thanks for stopping by my blog today! You've got a new follower!
Thanks so much, Diva! Much appreciated. I was just going to head back over to your site to check out a couple of articles with intriguing titles I noticed when I was there the first time!
I've had your post sitting on the back burner here to read when I had time to focus. I LOVE that I am not the only one who just doesn't have time for all the different aspects. Sometimes I feel that I am failing because I am just not on top of everything, but that's just how it is because I only have so much time. Thank you for letting me know it's not just me!
Kris, I'm so glad you liked the post! I am learning from all the comments that you and I are not alone in this!
I enjoyed reading this ! And it's so lovely that you're willing to help.I'm afraid I am one of those bloggers! Trying to be heard, a mere tadpole in a sea of bloggers. Some great tips here x
Oh and your recipes look lovely. I will be trying a couple of those. x
Thanks so much, vanityandme. I'm glad you found it helpful. And I hope the recipes turn out well for you!
Yep, you sound a lot like me! Except for the recipe part (I'm obviously not a cooking blogger, I burn things as often as I cook them.) I like to have my things read and do take steps to increase my traffic, but blogging is a creative thing and just reducing it to a formula saps my creativity! I write humor, and for that to work I have to just write what I think is funny! Which may or may not be in vogue at the time. Oh well.
Thanks, Jenny! And I do love your blog -- you're a hoot!
Love your realistic and honest approach. It's hard not to get caught up in all of this stuff so it's great to read a different and helpful perspective.
Nicole, thank you. I was hoping you'd enjoy the different perspective! So many people get caught up in "doing it all" and burn out far too soon.
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