08 September 2022

An Announcement - Does "On Hiatus" Sound Too Grand?

This post has absolutely nothing to do with apples, but I had to put up a picture of
 something. And an apple made more sense than some of the stuff I paint.

Hello, friends! After 10 years of posting weekly, I switched to posting every other week, which has worked well for the past 2 1/2 years and likely will continue to work well once I get through a very busy time the next month or two. So don't count me out!

I may pop in and put up a new post or two during that time, but I don't want to have the pressure of having to do so, as I've got a lot on my plate just now with family health issues. But I'm sure not all of you have read all 600 of my posts, so there you go!

May I suggest you go to my Recipes index page and just pick a category! There are 13 categories: Appetizers, Beverages, Breads, Breakfast, Desserts, Gluten-Free, Main Dishes, Salads and Dressings, Sauces, Side Dishes, Soups, Teatime, and Miscellaneous.

And, please, leave comments on the posts. I may not be able to reply to all comments as I always have done, but I will read, enjoy, and post them all (though you may not see it right away as I moderate comments but may not do so as speedily as usual).

And, in keeping with autumn, a couple of pears. And one
of my favorite pear recipes, Pear Frangipane Tart.

As summer is winding down, I will take this opportunity to wish you an Awesome Autumn, or Fabulous Fall, whichever you prefer! 



Dee | GrammysGrid.com said...

Jean, I wish you and your family well with the health issues. There comes a time when we must slow down. Our lives beyond our blogs are what's most important. As always, I love your artwork. See ya when you're back. Take care ♥

Thomas "Sully" Sullivan said...

Take your time, Jean. You have your priorities absolutely correct.

Dee | GrammysGrid.com said...

Visiting again to say thanks so much for linking up at the Unlimited Link Party 81. Pinned.

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Thank you, Dee. Glad you like my little paintings. I hope to get back to that soon.

Thank you, Sully. Yep, priorities.

Vee said...

No, not too grand. Alas, it doesn't sound too fun either. I am sorry that there is actually a reason behind this hiatus. Will check out the archives and pray that all will settle to a nice normal in plenty of time for those holiday recipes of yours. Take it easy. We'll be keeping the light on for you.

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Thanks so much, Vee!

Lorrie said...

Take whatever time you need, Jean. I'm sorry for the reason behind the hiatus and I hope that issues will be resolved quickly. Hugs, Lorrie

Lynn and Precious said...

Jean, all the time and effort to do this blog is appreciated by me. Take a well deserved break and I do pray all goes well in your family. As is said, "I'll see you in the funny papers." Lynn

ellen b. said...

Hope all will heal well and you get ahead of this busy time well.

Rustic Pumpkin said...

Afraid when I see that word I think Hiatus Hernia! I hope you sort out the issues that will be temporarily taking you from blogging and you will return sooner rather than later.

Melynda@Scratch Made Food! said...

Take care, we will all be here when you return as desire and need dictate.

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...

Dearest Jean,
Family comes FIRST!
But if time permits I've also always loved to write and interact with my readers.
The proper balance that is important.
You no doubt have enough delightful recipes on file for readers to borrow from.
At least, those fortunate enough due to good health for being able to enjoy them!

Rena said...

I, for one, appreciate such notices so that I'm not wondering if something unforetold has occurred. I'll patiently await your return. Enjoy your time.


Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Dear Lorrie, Lynn, Ellen, Deb, Melynda, Mariette, and Rena ~ Thank you all so much for your kind encouragement. Looking forward to visiting you soon!

Gail Is This Mutton? said...

Hope all goes well Jean. Blogging starts to become a chore when it feels like an additional pressure (and here I am mulling over if I have time to prepare a post for next week when we go away from tomorrow for 7 days.....).

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...


Mrs. White said...

Thank you for the notice! I appreciate your posts!
God bless!

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Thank you so much, Gail, Mariette, Mrs White! Much appreciated.

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...


Cheryl said...

"On hiatus" sounds like exactly what you need right now. Family always trumps blogging in order of importance! Praying that all goes well as you are on hiatus! (Love your paintings!)

chickenruby said...

My blogging has slowed down and changed over the past year since moving to the UK, I feel I have little to write about now I'm 'home' Hope your health improves and look forward to seeing you when you are next around.
Thanks for linking with #pocolo

Slabs said...

Take care, and we are thinking of you and may all go well. Thanks for still sharing your post at @esmesalon #SeniorSalonPitStop

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Cheryl, Suzanne, Esme, thank you so much for your kind thoughts!

Louca por porcelana said...

Best wishes. I hope things get better soon. Hugs.

TONY said...

Love the water colour pictures Jean. Sorry to hear that somebody in your family has health issues. You are in my thoughts. Take care. All the very best, Tony

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Maristella, Tony, thank you so much. I appreciate that.

Gretchen Joanna said...

Your fruit paintings are almost good enough to eat!

Thank you, thank you, for all the recipes year after year! Your blog keeps my love of cooking constantly refreshed.

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Ohhhh, thank you, Gretchen Joanna.

Phil in the Kitchen said...

I love words and hiatus is a very fine word to use in these circumstances in my view. It's really not too grand (and, anyway, I think we need to use more grand words). A while ago, a friend of mine announced a "lacuna in his literary efforts" and even that's not too grand for me. I truly hope that everything goes well with you and your family and that all love surrounds you.

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Thanks so much, Phil. AND for giving me a new grand word to look up when I get a break! 😁

Jeanie said...

I'm glad to see you have been painting and they are absolutely lovely.

I hope things go well with the family health issues you mentioned and that things are resolved in a good way and soon. Meanwhile, I'd say "enjoy your break" but I'm thinking it's probably not enjoyment you'll find so much as extra time to take care of things. Sending love and good wishes.

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Jeanie, thanks so much. I'm exhausted, but eventually things will be "resolved in a good way," I'm sure. Happy Autumn!

Kitchen Riffs said...

Hi Jean, sorry you have issues to deal with -- we know how that goes. Do take care of yourself, and we look forward to your return to blogging. :-)

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Thank you, John!

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Jean, I do hope your hiatus will be short, my friend. I always enjoy your quality recipes and consider it an honor to read what you have written. Take care and I'll be here when you return.

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Thank you, Martha. Your sweet comment was such a nice thing to end a very tiring day on!

Gerlinde de Broekert said...

Hi Jean,
I am so sorry you have to deal with health problem. Hopefully you have a good support system that will be there for you. Wishing you the best
Gerlinde de Broekert
I have been having a real difficult time making comments with blogger.

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Hi Gerlinde ~ Thank you so much. I think I would have an easier time being sick myself than having someone in the family sick. About the trouble you're having making comments with Blogger, maybe this will help: Some Blogger blogs have comments show up immediately, but others like me, have enabled comment moderation. So your comment doesn't show up until we have approved it. It's not ideal, but it's the easiest way for me to deal with spam. Thanks for hanging in there!

Kitchen Riffs said...

Hi Jean, Just wanted to say we've just posted our last blog post. I've thoroughly enjoyed your blog, and I'll still be visiting (when you get back to posting!). But we've got a lot of activities lined up that will be occupying my time, so my visits will be much more sporadic in the future. Best wishes to you.

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

John, I just visited your blog before I saw your comment here. I was shocked! I'm so going to miss your postings, but I do understand. Wishing you and Mrs Riffs all the best in your new adventures.

Sherry's Pickings said...

i love your pear and apples paintings Jean. Hope all is well with you. Take care.

April J Harris said...

I am so sorry to hear that there are health issues in your family. You will all be in my thoughts and prayers.

I always enjoy your wonderful posts and your beautiful drawings as well. I will look forward to seeing more as and when you are able, but no pressure. I really do appreciate all your support both of Hearth and Soul and my blog and website.

Thinking of you!
Warmly, April

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Thanks so much, Sherry!

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

April, thank you! Much appreciated.

Cocoa and Lavender said...

Jean -- I wrote a blog post recently (it hasn't been published yet as I feel it needs new photos) about what happens when boggers disappear from our lives - go on hiatus, take a break, or... I am glad you let us know, and I am sorry I haven't thought to come by and chat. I am here for you if you need anything... I do promise to check in regularly will look forward to your posts whenever they come. They always make me happy. I feel solidarity with you like no other! :) DO tae the time you need - we will all be here waiting for you.

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

David, thank you soooo much! I really appreciate it. Things have slowed down and I think I just might be ready to resume my every-three-weeks schedule, next post December 15. I'm glad my posts make you happy! That is what it's about.