09 February 2017

Mighty Leaf Tea Review and Giveaway

Mighty Leaf Tea Review and Giveaway / www.delightfulrepast.com

Only my earliest followers (charter followers?) might know that Delightful Repast is now 7 years old! In honor of my 7th blogiversary, I'm doing a wonderful giveaway for tea lovers. Wait! Don't go away just because you aren't one! Someone you know and love is, and this will make a wonderful gift for that person.

About the Pastry Heart Jam Tarts in the photo above, I made that batch with a store-bought refrigerated pie crust just so I could tell you whether it will "do" or not. No, it won't. Not even in a pinch. If you don't have time to make the pastry, just make something else. Store-bought pastry might be okay for something, but for these in which pastry is the star, no. Just no.

Pastry Heart Jam Tarts
This batch made with the proper pastry

But back to the tea.

The Tea

Mighty Leaf has a wide selection of whole leaf loose teas and whole leaf tea pouches. They have herbal tisanes and green, white, matcha, oolong and pu'er (pu-erh) teas as well as the black teas that are my beverage of choice. Since I prefer organic tea, I was delighted to find they offer an extensive array of organic teas as well.

The ones I've tried so far are: Organic Breakfast, Organic Earl Grey, Organic Darjeeling Estate and Organic Darjeeling Kalimpong. All whole leaf loose black teas. One of their mottos is "Discover the magic of whole leaf tea." And once you do, you are not going to want to stuff those whole leaves into a tiny little "tea ball" that doesn't give them room to unfurl.

Mighty Leaf Tea Review and Giveaway / www.delightfulrepast.com

The Infuser Mug

Besides brewing it in a teapot, you can brew a proper cup/mug of tea in their lovely infuser mug. The 15-ounce Curve Tall Tea Mug with Infuser and Lid is available in white, with or without the Mighty Leaf logo on one side.

Since you don't fill it to the brim, it actually holds about 12 to 13 ounces. To make that amount of tea, a fairly level 2-teaspoon measure (3 grams) of the Mighty Leaf Organic Darjeeling Kalimpong steeped for 4 minutes was perfect. (I prefer a 5-minute steep for the Breakfast and Earl Grey teas.)

The extra-fine stainless steel infuser is quite deep, so if you prefer to make a smaller amount of tea in the mug you can. Of course, you can leave out the infuser when you're using tea bags. In either case, the ceramic lid makes the mug act like a teapot and gives you a better brew.

Everyone should have a Curve Tall Tea Mug with Infuser and Lid. It makes enjoying loose leaf tea just as convenient as using tea bags.

Tea Tips

If you're new to tea, see the basics at How to Make a Proper Cup of Tea. If you have any questions, just ask me in the comment section below. I'm always happy to answer tea questions. And if you are in the US, or have someone in the US you'd like to have it sent to, be sure to enter the giveaway!

When you try a new tea, experiment with the amount of tea to water and the steeping time (3, 4 or 5 minutes). I make a stronger brew when I'm in the mood to add a splash of milk. Which reminds me ...

You may know about the milk first/milk last controversy brewing on at least two continents. Let me tell you why it makes no sense to add milk to your cup first. Until you've tasted the tea you won't know if it's strong enough to stand up to the addition of milk. There's nothing worse than weak tea except weak tea with milk in it!

Update 02/15/17: Giveaway is now closed.

Mighty Leaf Tea Review and Giveaway / www.delightfulrepast.com
Don't forget to Pin it!

Mighty Leaf Tea and Tea Mug Giveaway 

The winner of the giveaway will be sent: a 4-ounce tin Organic Breakfast, a 4-ounce tin Organic Earl Grey, a 3.5-ounce tin Organic Darjeeling Kalimpong, a 3-ounce bag Organic Darjeeling Estate, a black storage tin and a Mighty Leaf Curve Tall Tea Mug with Infuser and Lid.

This giveaway is open to US residents* 18 years of age or older. Leave a comment below (one entry per person); and perhaps you can tell me your favorite time of day for a nice cup of tea. Please include your email address in the body of your comment. Must enter by 11:59 p.m. Eastern time Wednesday February 15.

* If you are outside the US but would like to have this sent to someone in the US (you would have to send them a gift card separately on your own), go ahead and enter! 

Winner will be chosen by random drawing and be announced here in the comments before noon Eastern time on Thursday February 16. If I don't hear back from the winner of the random drawing by noon Eastern time Sunday February 19, another drawing will be held and a new winner selected from the original entrants (those who commented before the giveaway deadline).

Disclosure: Mighty Leaf provided product for review purposes and for the giveaway. The views expressed here are entirely my own. I always tell my readers what I really think! 



Anonymous said...

Name: Earl Grey Addict (Mark)

Time of day for tea: There is only one answer: ALL day. ;-)

Email: earlgreyaddict - At - gmail - Dot - com

As always thank you for setting up these giveaways.

Thomas "Sully" Sullivan said...

As a non-tea-drinker, I have to say you do make it sound good! And I heartily agree with you that there is nothing that tastes worse than weak tea or weak tea with milk in it. Also, there is a sense of stability and structure in the formality of tea rites. I shall celebrate in spirit the winner of your giveaway, and of course I give you 7 cleavers on your 7th blogiversary!

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Mark, I laughed, but your answer is the absolute truth! :D

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Sully, thank you! You are kind to participate on any level in these tea posts that are so foreign to you. Can't believe it's my 7th blogiversary. Some day I will convert you to tea. You'll have an epiphatea and regret all the tealess years that went before.

Thomas "Sully" Sullivan said...

"Epiphatea" -- love it.

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

You inspired me, Sully!

Angie's Recipes said...

I drink lots of tea and usually make my tea with loose tea leaves. This is a wonderful giveaway, Jean.

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Thanks, Angie. Loose leaf is just the best, isn't it!

Sammi said...

I love a good black tea with a little cream and sugar in the evening! Thanks for hosting this fun giveaway. Blessings!

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Sammi, thanks. I always enjoy finding another tea fan!

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

What a lovely give away, Jean. I love enjoying tea all day---Earl Grey to be exact. There is a mug sitting beside me as I write. My tea is never far when I'm at home. Tea leaves steeped in a pot is my idea of heaven. Have a nice afternoon, Jean. ♥

Carina said...

I wish I could narrow down my favorite time for a cuppa, but I go through several pots throughout the day...and evening! I love my tea! :)

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Martha, Earl Grey is one of my faves. I have a cup of Darjeeling on my desk right now! Sounds like we're both having a lovely afternoon!

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Carina, you sound just like me! I drink tea around the clock.

HS said...

I love Earl Grey for afternoon tea.
kraftmaking at gmail dot com

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Thanks, HS.

barbara said...

I love enjoying a cup of tea after dinner while reading my book before bed!

ellen b said...

I'm not entering the giveaway but just had to say those heart jam tarts are so cute! I will bookmark your recipe with real pastry :)!

Margie said...

Happy Blogiversary, Jean!

I've always admired your giveaway prizes, but geography made me ineligible. For once though, I can enter as I have someone in the US to whom I can send it! Thank you for the opportunity to win this wonderful giveaway!

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Barbara, that sounds like the definition of cozy to me!

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Margie, thank you. I don't know why it took me so long to think of a way to include my Canadian (and other) readers!

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Ellen, I hope you'll try them soon. Since they're just pastry and jam, the better each of those components is, the better they'll be.

The Victorian Girl said...

I would love to try the Mighty Leaf teas. Teatime is usually around 4:00 p.m. Now that my husband is retired, I 've gotten him to join me in a cup of tea. He likes to answer me using a fake British accent when I ask him if he's ready for tea!

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Susan, that's adorable! Sounds like something mine might do!

Anonymous said...

My favorite time for tea is in the evening after dinner. I like it when it is time to relax and unwind for the evening.

Shah said...

Hi Jean.Thank you. Shah here. I would love to have some samples. I promise to cook some Turkish pastry and invite you guys over to share.

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Leslie, relaxing and unwinding after dinner sounds like the perfect time.

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Thanks, Shah. These teas would go beautifully with Turkish pastries!

Ann said...

Nothing like a great, robust cup of tea-thanks for all the tips! I see that plan for Turkish pastry up there form Shah-great combination-We like tea with everything-with spicy food the tea makes your mouth glow! A breakfast omelette with green chilis for instance-wonderful!

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Thanks, Ann. That sounds good, too. It's almost easier to list things tea *doesn't* go well with!

Angie said...

I always love a cup of tea! Especially with with friends and/or sweets. The opportunity for tea in your giveaway has me wondering about what special varieties you may have available.I look forward to tea-time! Thank you for sharing.

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Angie, I always enjoy finding another tea fan!

Karenann S. said...

I love tea all day. I start with a pot of tea in the morning (usually Chai) and the work my way to a cup of Green Tea with Lemon in the afternoon. For after dinner I usually drink Green Tea Decaf. Thank you for such a lovely and thoughtful giveaway opportunity!

rush said...

It has been quite awhile since I've had a cup of tea. I mean years and years and years. Perhaps I would be willing to try again, and with breakfast might be just the time to do it. That's a really interesting steeping method. I've never seen that before. I used to perk mine in an electric coffee pot long ago.

Thank you for the opportunity to win! Trying out different kinds of tea would be wonderful, although I think Earl Grey was my go-to way back when.

rush88888 at gmail dot com

Pondside said...

Happy Blogversary! I too am a Mighty Leaf fan, in particular the Earl Grey. I cannot bring myself to make tea by the cup - it has to steep in a teapot. My favourite time of day for a restorative cuppa is late afternoon, though a whole pot early on Saturday morning with the newspaper is also a treat.
I am in Canada, but should I win I have a US friend to whom I would like the gift to go.

Unknown said...

I always have coffee first, then tea. I love earl grey tea with just a little bit of organic honey!

The Reader's Tales said...

Hello Jean! Dear this is such a lovely giveaway! :) I'm a teaholic - love strong black tea (only loose leaf tea) with milk and sugar.
BTW, your cookies are beautiful and looks delicious :)
Have a great weekend ahead, Jean:)

Daniela said...

It's always such a delight and a treat to visit you here, dearest Jean, you always share something interesting which involves us!

Sorry for the giveaway, I must say that I'm a'Tea Lover' :)

I'm wishing you a joyous day, today,
and wonderful days to come, Dearie
with much thankfulness

XX Dany

Marisa Franca @ Allourway said...

I used to be solely a coffee drinker in the morning. Since hubby had to switch to decaf, I've switched to tea and right now I'm sipping on Irish breakfast. Now, my very favorite tea is pu-erh and it is VERY hard to find. I've been stocking up on it when we vacation on the Georgia coast. A little tea shop carries it and I'm always buying as much as I can. I'm glad to see that Mighty Leaf carries it, I'll have to check it out. I think tea requires more of a ritual than coffee. Since I'm fairly a newcomer to tea, I'll have to try out more varieties.
My email address is: marisa.stewart@comcast.net
Thank you for giving up the opportunity to win the tea!

Nancy said...

I am an afternoon tea time drinker. Tea and toast. Just saying it brings me comfort.

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Karenann, I think "all day" is *my* favorite time for tea as well! I must try some greens.

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Thanks, rush. The Mighty Leaf Earl Grey is a really good one.

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Pondside, that's wonderful. Maybe your friend hasn't yet tried it.

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Sarah, I don't sweeten my tea, but if I did organic honey would be the perfect thing for my organic tea.

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

TheReader'sTales, thank you. Isn't tea the perfect thing to have while reading a good book!

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Dany, thank you for commenting even though you aren't participating in the giveaway. Always lovely to hear from you.

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Marisa, I love that you've switched to tea! There are so many wonderful varieties.

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Nancy, tea and toast is a magical combination!

Cranberry Morning said...

Well I'm certainly with you on purchased pastry. I love making and rolling out pastry. For me, it's one of the fun things about baking. As for the tea, you know I've given it a proper try, and probably Earl Grey, if it's made really strong, would be my favorite. I guess I like all flavors to be pronounced, not wimpy. :-) Happy Blogiversary. Those jam tarts look absolutely wonderful, by the way!

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Thanks, Judy! You can make tea as strong as you like. Just know that dunking a supermarket teabag in a mug of water is not going to get you a good strong cup of tea no matter how long you leave it in there. Use more tea than recommended, but don't steep for more than 5 minutes.

Jeanie said...

This is definitely tea season here in Michigan. Cold mornings and colder nights! I'm fond of Earl Gray or teas with orangey notes (like the original Constant Comment). Or Mint. OK. I'm done.

The tarts look good and thanks for the heads-up about the pastry option. They're really pretty and I know that counts for something!

Finally, thanks for the nice words on my painted cat post! I've never done anything more stressful in my life!

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Jeanie, thanks! Mmm ... Michigan! Love it. My favorite "season" there (It's always "tea season" to me!) is cider season. Love a visit to a cider mill or two in the fall. Yes, I know a commissioned painting is very stressful; but you nailed it!

Sylvia said...

Jean, I love Chai tea. I have had quite a few Mighty Leaf teas and find them to be of exceptional quality. My favorite tea is Masala Chai black tea with cream in the morning. I am Canadian so I will pass on the give away. Sylvia D.

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Thanks for commenting, Sylvia. I'm glad you like Mighty Leaf teas. I'm going to have to try some of the flavored teas, besides Earl Grey, one of these days. Masala Chai, huh?

Unknown said...

At the fairs in Colorado they have different honeys from different kinds of trees, they're all so amazing. It's a sweet obsession of mine. Also I forgot my email,

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

I've found a few restaurants in Canada will serve Mighty Leaf tea and it'a always been enjoyable. I usually order Earl Grey, my favourite.

Bernideen Canfield said...

Dear Jean:
Those jam tarts look amazing and would be perfect for Afternoon Tea Time! Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Happy Blogiversary! I'm pretty new to your blog and I have been enjoying your posts. Thank you for sharing with everyone.

I enjoy tea throughout the day and almost always have a cup after getting home from work. My email address is alyscrossnano(at)gmail(dot)com

Thank you for having this giveaway.
Alys C.

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Sarah, thanks for sending your email address. I once had some honey from orange trees and thought it was wonderful.

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Judith, I order Earl Grey a lot! It's one of my very favourites, too.

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Thanks, Bernideen! They're sure easy and guests always love them.

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Alys, thank you! I'm so glad you found my blog. Hope you'll find more things you like and comment often!

♡♥♬ Carolsue ♡♥♬ said...

I drink tea anytime of the day or night -- bad habit, but oh well! )
Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Not a bad habit at all, Carolsue!

kitty@ Kitty's Kozy Kitchen said...

Your little pastry jam tarts make the perfect treat for Valentine's Day, Jean, and would,be great with a cup of tea. I drink tea all day long, but have never tasted Mighty Leaf, but have heard of it. Thank you for the opportunity to win this giveaway for tea lovers!

TONY said...

Hi Jean. Congratulations on your 7th blogging anniversary. How better to celebrate than with a lovely cuppa!!!!
That picture has a rather Zen look to it. I have seen Zen gardens with fine gravel areas raked in that sort of wavy, circular pattern. Of course Zen and the art of drinking tea go together!!
Arhus Airport,in Northern Jutland, a small, beautiful airport surrounded bya dense northern forest has a meditation garden in the central departure lounge. It is made of rugged rocks, flowing water and a variety of beautifully proportionerd tiny trees. Its worth flying to Arhus just to meditate in the airport!!! Ha! Ha! And imbibe a nice cup of tea at the same time of course. All the very best, Tony

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Thanks, Kitty! I wonder how many people drink tea all day long as you and I do!

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Thanks, Tony. I won't be flying to Northern Jutland any time soon, but that sounds wonderful! Every airport should have such a thing. Every *airplane* should have such a thing (but maybe if they'd spread out the seats a little, such a thing wouldn't be needed)!

puttermuch said...

Your Jam Tarts look yummy. I am relatively new to the "tea" scene as I've recently had to give up my morning coffee. This looks lovely. Thank you for the many recipes you've posted over the years and Happy Anniversary!

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Thanks so much, puttermuch! I hope you'll enjoy tea as much as you enjoyed coffee. I'm not a coffee drinker myself. I drink a cup of decaf once in a while when I make it for my coffee-loving friends, but regular coffee does horrible things to me. And yet I can drink pots and pots of regular (caffeine) tea and be unaffected. Either the caffeine in tea is different or there is another component of tea that does something to the caffeine.

Pauline Wiles said...

I was so relieved to see the first comment, from Earl Grey Addict, saying that any time is the perfect time! I feel much the same way: green tea first thing, English breakfast by about 9AM, Earl Grey after lunch, and then who knows what mood will take me. Thank you, Jean, for another lovely giveaway.

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Thank you, Pauline, for joining in! I think there are a number of us tea drinkers who may or may not drink tea pretty much all day! :-)

Unknown said...

I drink tea all day!

Cathy @ My 1929 Charmer said...

Wow 7 years blogging that's fantastic! I am a big tea drinker and can't say I've heard of this tea. Oh how I wish I had one of those tarts right now! Yummy!

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Mahdi, there seems to be a lot of us who do! :D

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Cathy, thank you! Can't believe it's been 7 years already. You'll like this tea!

Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson said...

Congrats and thanks for offering this give away. I love a cup of tea now and then. Thanks for sharing with SYC.

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Thanks, Jann. Do you ever wonder where the last seven years have gone?! Crazy!

Belinda said...

Congratulations on your 7th blog anniversary. :)

I usually drink my hot tea in the mornings. :)

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Thanks, Belinda! I had my first cup at 5:30 this morning.

Unknown said...

Jean, Happy Anniversary! Seven years is quite an accomplishment! Yippee! We do drink tea, but mostly in the winter months when it's so cold. Or iced tea in the summer. I've not tried loose leaf, I think I'm missing out!

Those heart tarts look delish, they would be perfect with a cup of tea, right now! LOL Was the store bought crust not flaky enough? Too heavy?

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Hi Nikki ~ Thank you! It's been an interesting 7 years! I don't like store-bought crust in general for health reasons. It's made with partially hydrogenated lard with BHA and BHT, so transfats and preservatives. But for this particular application I don't like it because these tiny treats depend on the buttery flavor and really tender texture of the homemade pastry.

handmade by amalia said...

A 'proper cup of tea' is a thing of beauty.
Congrats on the 7 year anniversary, you've certainly created a lovely space here in that time.

Ruth Schiffmann said...

Happy Seven Year Blogoversary, Jean!!
I love the look of the flaky pastry hearts in the second picture.
I'm not a tea drinker, but my husband enjoys a cup in the evening before bed.

April J Harris said...

Mighty Leaf sounds like lovely tea, and I really like the infuser mug too! I will drink tea anytime of day but mostly in the mid-afternoon. I tend to drink coffee in the morning. Sharing this post around. Thank you for sharing with us at Hearth and Soul, Jean. april@apriljharris.com

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Thank you, Amalia! The best part of blogging has been the engagement with my readers and with the other bloggers I read. I think my little corner of the blogosphere has the nicest people!

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Ruth, thank you! Even with my limited photography skills, you can see how much better the flaky homemade pastry ones are!

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Thanks, April! And thank you for sharing the post with your tribe. It is a lovely giveaway.

Jeannie Marie said...

Oh I must share this post with my sister...no one loves her tea more! She carries her tea, her pot and her water with her when she visits people!

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Oh, Jeannie Marie, I love it! Your sister should've gotten in on my giveaway in January - http://www.delightfulrepast.com/2017/01/tea-travel-kit-bonavita-giveaway-dual.html - you can see *my* tea travel kit there! What kind of tea does she like?

Anonymous said...

Hello Jean! Congratulations on 7 years of providing wonderful recipes, stories and fun for us. Thank you.

I have marked the pastry recipe for the next time I need a buttery tart - that will be soon I am sure.


Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Hi Lily! Thank you so much. I never dreamed when I started out that I'd still be at this seven years later! I'm so glad you enjoy it. Come back on Thursday for Yorkshire Pudding. Hope you're staying warm and cozy!


I enjoy green tea with extra lemon mostly in the afternoon.Congrats on your 7th anniversary.,,BERRYCHERRY63@HOTMAIL.COM

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Thank you, autumn grace! I have a friend who enjoys green tea with lemon. I'm going to have to try some green teas one day.

Menaka Bharathi said...

Loved the infuser Mug!I like green tea too
Thanks for Joining the Bloggers Pit Stop

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Thanks, Menaka! Mighty Leaf also has organic green tea.

Unknown said...

My favorite time of day to enjoy a cup of tea is 10ish, when I read my devotional and let myself wake up at my body's own pace.

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Gena, sounds perfect! I have a friend who likes to ease into her day the same way!

Swathi said...

Sounds like delicious tea, Love to taste it you Know I am tea drinker Love those pastry jam hearts also.

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Thank you, Swathi! Tea IS the best possible beverage, isn't it! And my favorites are from India, Assam and Darjeeling.

Rice Cakes and Raisins said...

I love tea! Can't beat the first tea of the day but I will drink it any time! #DreamTeam

Miz Helen said...

I would love to be having a cup of tea and one of your lovely Jam Hearts! Happy Valentine Day and thanks so much for sharing your awesome talent with us at Full Plate Thursday!
Miz Helen

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

I agree, RCR! Anytime is tea time, but there's definitely something special about that first cup of the day!

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Miz Helen, you are so sweet! Thank you! I love Full Plate Thursday!

highheeledlife said...

Jean .. thank you for visiting HHL and your lovely comments. WHat a fabulous event you have going ... This would make a great surprise for a friend , in the USA, that loves tea... I enjoy an afternoon cup of tea ... most often between 3-4:30 ... Have a great day! Celia M. HighHeeledLife.com ...... Email CeliaM@HighHeeledLife.com

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Thanks, Celia. And, yes, I think this would be a gift any tea lover would love!

Unknown said...

I love a good quality cup of tea - and I totally agree with your point about weak tea with milk in it bleugghh! Those pastry hearts look divine though, shop bought or otherwise! ;) Thanks for linking with #DreamTeam x

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Thanks, RWW! Yes, weak tea with milk is "bleugghh!" :D

Fran @ Gday Souffle said...

Seven years blogging- how impressive! I just finished four years and starting my fifth year- time certainly flies! Thanks for your instructions on how to make a cup of tea. I'm not much of a tea drinker, but once in awhile I do 'imbibe.'

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Fran, thank you so much! And congrats to you on four years! Time really does fly.

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

*Giveaway Winner Announced* - The winner of the Mighty Leaf Tea giveaway, by random drawing, is pondside. Pondside, as soon as you send me, delightfulrepast at aol dot com, shipping information, Mighty Leaf will ship the package. Congratulations!

If I don't hear from the winner of the random drawing by 11:59 am Eastern time Sunday, February 19, another drawing will be held and new winner selected from among the original entrants (those who commented before the giveaway deadline).

This was fun! Watch for more giveaways here at Delightful Repast! In the meantime, follow me on Google, Pinterest and Twitter. You can even use the Follow Me By Email button in the right column.

Dee | GrammysGrid.com said...

That's a great review! CONGRATS on your 7th Blogiversary! Thank you Jean for sharing this post at the Wednesday AIM Link Party. I shared it on my social media sites.

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Thank you, Grammy Dee! Where did the last seven years go?! :D Thanks for sharing.