21 June 2018

Stamped Shortbread Cookies - Rycraft Cookie Stamp Giveaway

Stamped Shortbread Cookies - Rycraft Cookie Stamps / www.delightfulrepast.com

Stamped shortbread cookies may not actually taste better than unstamped cookies, but it seems like they do! And there are so many occasions that call for that extra little effort in the cookie department: weddings, showers, parties, afternoon tea. And a box of stamped cookies, along with the stamp, makes a wonderful host/ess gift.

Stamped shortbread cookies are so much fun to make! Especially with the gorgeous designs of the family-owned Rycraft company. Established in 1968 (50 years ago) by the current owner’s parents, the self-described mom-and-pop company is now based in Idaho where the beautiful terra cotta cookie stamps are still handmade.

Check out the Rycraft designs, more than 400 in this Heirloom Collection. I have nine, three I've had for ages and the six we're giving away here: Tea Time, Cat with a Bow, Snowflake, Home Sweet Home, Rocking Horse and Treble Clef.

Whatever the occasion, holiday or season, whatever hobby or interest you have, there's sure to be a stamp for it!

Stamped Shortbread Cookies - Rycraft Cookie Stamp Giveaway / www.delightfulrepast.com

Today I used my basic shortbread recipe, and it worked beautifully. I’ve also made my Chocolate Shortbread as stamped cookies (above). I used a 2-teaspoon measuring spoon that day, but I decided this time to use a 1-tablespoon measuring spoon; and I think I like the larger amount better.

Have you used cookie stamps before? The stamped cookies do taste better, amiright? Enter the giveaway below and have fun looking at all the different Rycraft designs.

Update 07/12/18: Just added another stamped (or not!) cookie, Ginger Snaps.

Stamped Shortbread Cookies - Rycraft Cookie Stamp Giveaway / www.delightfulrepast.com

Stamped Shortbread Cookies

(Makes about 19 2-inch cookies)

1 stick (4 ounces/113 grams) unsalted butter, room temperature
1/3 cup (2.33 ounces/66 grams) sugar
1/4 teaspoon salt
3/4 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 1/4 dip-and-sweep cup (6.25 ounces/177 grams) unbleached all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon water, if needed

1 In 1.5-quart mixing bowl, by hand or with electric hand mixer on lowest speed, cream the butter, sugar, salt and vanilla extract just until smooth.

2 Add flour and mix well without beating a lot of air into it. If mixture is too dry to form a dough, mix in the teaspoon of water. Wrap dough in plastic wrap, forming a 4-inch disk; refrigerate for 20 to 30 minutes. If you overchill the dough, it will be difficult to work with.

3 Using a measuring tablespoon, measure out level tablespoons of dough onto parchment-lined baking sheet. Roll the scoops into smooth balls. Cover and chill in the refrigerator for 15 minutes or so. This will make them easy to stamp, and the design will be very sharp. But if you overchill the dough balls, they will be difficult to stamp.

4 To stamp, with dough ball in the center of the stamp, press the stamp evenly till the dough reaches the edge of the stamp. Gently lift the stamp away. Repeat. My technique is to lift the stamp with the dough attached and gently peel away at the edge. This works very well with the chilled dough. If you find the dough balls getting too warm before you’re finished stamping, put the baking sheet back in the refrigerator for 15 minutes.

5 Cover and refrigerate for 30 minutes to 1 hour. About 15 minutes before you’d like to bake the cookies, preheat the oven to 325F/165C/Gas3.

6 Bake for 20 to 25 minutes, until quite firm and edges are starting to brown. Cool on baking sheet for 5 minutes. Then transfer to wire rack to cool completely.

Stamped Shortbread Cookies - Rycraft Cookie Stamp Giveaway / www.delightfulrepast.com

The Rycraft Ceramic Cookie Stamps Giveaway

This giveaway is open to US residents* 18 years of age or older. Leave a comment below (one entry per person). Tell me the first stamp you'll use and for what occasion. Please include your email address in the body of your comment. Must enter by 11:59 p.m. Eastern time Wednesday June 27.

* If you are outside the US but would like to have this sent to someone you know in the US (you would have to send them a gift card separately on your own), go ahead and enter! Also, Rycraft does ship internationally, so feel free to place an order wherever you are.

Winner will be chosen by random drawing and be announced here in the comments before noon Eastern time on Thursday June 28. If I don't hear back from the winner of the random drawing by noon Eastern time Sunday July 1, another drawing will be held and a new winner selected from the original entrants (those who commented before the giveaway deadline). 

Disclosure: Rycraft provided a set of cookie stamps for review purposes and one set for the giveaway. The views expressed here are entirely my own. I always tell my readers what I really think!



TONY said...

Very nice, Jean. We usually have Scottish Shortbread over here. It has ,"thistle stamps," on it. An occasional treat! Got to watch the weight!!!! All the best, Tony

Angie's Recipes said...

Shortbread is my all time favourite. These stamped cookies look very adorable, Jean.

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Thanks, Tony! Yes, I thought of getting a thistle stamp for that authentic Scottish shortbread look. Maybe next time.

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Thanks, Angie. I like shortbread because it's crunchy and not overly sweet.

Thomas "Sully" Sullivan said...

Gonna try ‘em on mashed potatoes…maybe hamburgers – like branding cattle after the fact. Occurs to me that if you tried them on soup immediately after, you wanted have to wash them.

Lorrie said...

I'm not eligible for the draw, but I do love shortbread. I've seen cookie stamps and they look like a fun way to dress up a cookie. I especially like the teapots on your chocolate shortbread!

Polly said...

In all the years I have baked cakes and desserts I have never made shortbread, but I might just try your recipe. I don't know if we can get those lovely stamps over here.

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Sully, great dishwashing tip! But now you have me craving soup, and I have too many other things to make today!

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Lorrie, thanks. I think the teapot on the chocolate shortbread looks like a Brown Betty teapot! Remember, you can enter if you have someone in the US you'd like to send them to.

ellen b said...

Those cookies are sweet all stamped out! I'm commenting but don't put me in the giveaway. Cheers!

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Polly, do let me know how it turns out for you. And I'm not sure if Rycraft stamps are sold in the UK, but you can order directly from the company and they can ship it to you there.

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Thanks, Ellen. Happy first day of summer!

1porkchop said...

They have an Old Glory stamp that would be great for the fourth, veterans day, memorial day, etc.

Pom Pom said...

It sounds fun to stamp cookies . . . and EAT cookies! Your recipes are the BEST!

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Thanks, 1porkchop. I think they have just about every possible occasion or interest covered!

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Karen, thank you! I do know how to have fun, don't I?!

Richard Sheppard said...

These cookie stamps are super cute Jean! My wife somehow lost her cookie cutters when we moved a while back and these would make perfect replacements :-) No doubt your cookie recipe that goes with them would be equally delish!

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Thank you, Richard. I think cookie stamps are way more fun than cookie cutters. And easier. But you can actually do both--I've thought of stamping and then using a slightly larger round scalloped cutter, or vice versa, to make a really nice looking cookie.

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Stamping cookies certainly looks professional, Jean. Shortbread is my favorite and I would use the darling teapot first. It would certainly elevate afternoon tea at my home. I can see my grandsons enjoying this process. ♥

Kids, Cuddles and Muddy Puddles said...

Wow, these are so cute and what a wonderful way to make a humble cookie look more inviting! Well...I'd eat them any way they looked! Haha. But these are such a nice idea, especially for end of term teacher gifts. #TriumphantTales

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Martha, I think kids would have a lot of fun with this! Must admit, the teapot is my fave.

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

KCMP, thank you. And thanks for the great idea - teacher gifts!

Louca por porcelana said...

Super cute,Jean!Great giveaway!!!Hugs!

kitty@ Kitty's Kozy Kitchen said...

Oh my gosh, the stamps are too, too cute, Jean!!! I love shortbread, but have never used any stamps. Count me in on the drawing for the giveaway. My grandkids would love using them at my cooking camp!

Michelle said...

These cookies are beautiful! Thanks for linking up today!

Margie said...

These are too cute! Of course, my favourite is the Tea Time stamp.

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Thank you, Maristella, and hugs!

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Kitty, I knooooooww! That's what I was thinking -- perfect for your Cooking Camp!

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Thank you, Michelle. I really had a lot of fun with my stamps!

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

But of course, Margie! Mine, too!

Pauline Wiles said...

Oh, these are adorable! I would definitely use the teapot stamp first, and the occasion would be following your recipe to see if I can pull it off. The chocolate version looks excellent, too.
Thank you, Jean and Rycraft!

Hope Clark said...

Ooohh, I love making shortbread cookies. I just make them plain since I don't have a stamp, and I'd LOVE to have the HOUSE/HOME stamp. It just seems like the most cozy, all-around stamp for any occasion. I was just comparing recipes - yours and mine. Not a lot of difference. Regardless, I'm giving yours a go to see if I can tell a difference. Would LOVE this stamp! chopeclark@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

These stamps are so beautiful-I would love to try them.


Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Pauline, thanks so much. And I don't think you'll have any problems. Just let me know if you do, and we can troubleshoot it.

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Hope, how lovely to hear from you! It's been ages! I can't wait to visit your site and see what all you've been up to! And I like the way you described the house stamp.

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Thanks, GR. Glad you entered!

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Oooh, those stamps are too cute! I love the teapot, rocking horse, and house stamps but I'm Canadian so I'm not eligible. But that's Okay, someone special will win. Love shortbread and yours are so sweet. A fun and delicious post, Jean. Happy Summer and enjoy your weekend!

ginko said...

Thank you for showing these beautiful cookie stamps! The cat and house stamps are my favorites. I will be moving in a few months and I would make open house cookies with these stamps to welcome my friends to my new home! Pat Taylor at ginko658@gmail.com.

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Thank you, Sandi! They do ship to Canada, though, should you decide to order some stamps. I'll probably be making another batch this weekend, as Mr Delightful is clamoring for more!

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Pat, that would be perfect! Glad you entered! Wishing you all the best in your new home.

Nancy said...

I do love shortbread. I have an old set of snowman stamps that I use at Christmas. The Brown Betty teapot idea would be my favorite along side my actual Brown Betty.

Unknown said...

So cute! I like your recipes and will def try this one. I can have a cup of tea ready-must have with shortbread!

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Then you already have the technique down, Nancy! The snowflakes would go along with your snowmen.

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Thank you. You're so right, Denise--*must* have a cup of tea with shortbread!

Anonymous said...

I will want to do an assortment for Christmas, but the snowflake is so pretty I will likely reach for it first.

Cocoa and Lavender said...

OK, I’m not simply pandering… but I love shortbread cookies that have been stamped. I have several rolling pins that leave wonderful parents, and I completely agree that they taste better when they are this beautiful!

Should I win, I would definitely use the snowflake stamp first! Why? Here, in the Sonoran desert, we have “winter in summer“ parties where we turn the air conditioning very cold, wear sweaters, and pretend it’s winter… When it’s over 100° outside! It’s denial in its most fun form!

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Leslie, I think the snowflake cookie is beautiful any time of year!

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

David, I'm glad you agree! And I think your "winter in summer" party is such a fantastic idea!

Michele M./ Finch Rest said...

I have always always ALWAYS wanted a cookie stamp! They're so cute and perfect for tea parties and Christmas cookie exchanges/ giveaways.

I'm absolutely thrilled to be included in this generous giveaway - thank you SO much!

Karenann S. said...

All the cookie stamps are so sweet! I especially love the house stamp. It's great to use year-round! Thanks for such a lovely giveaway opportunity.

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Michele, you're definitely the cookie stamp "type!" Your family has lots of occasions for stamped cookies!

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Karenann, thank you for entering. Yes, I love that house stamp! I'm going to use it next month for friends who are moving into their new house.

Badger said...

I originally bought my first cookie stamp at a local craft/sewing store to make the paper cast roses. That is when the addiction started. I have continuously added to my collection (when available) and make the amazing almond short bread cookies along with some of the other recipes. I have a wood rack that I display my stamps. I rotate the seasonal ones. If I didn’t I would need a new wall. So, crafting started it all and now I use them only to bake!

Badger said...

Addendum. The entire first message didn’t send. I am an admin for the musicians at a beautiful basilica. I would use the treble clef for the directors and the college students.

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Badger, I love your story! I can see where it could easily become an addiction! Great use for the treble cleb. I think I'll be using that one a lot.

Unknown said...

Shortbread cookies are my favorite but have never used a stamp. I will use the rocking horse to make cookies for "Ladies Night" in my barn! Girlfriends gather in the barn for treats on Thursday evenings during our Midwestern summers! Carrots only for the horses!

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Lorraine, I love it! Sounds like such fun. They also have stamps with horses, a cowboy boot (I have that one) and probably other fitting designs.

Susan J Meyerott, M.S. said...

Haha, Jean! You totally have my number with this one! I am a totally frivolous cook and I have every cookie mold, cake mold, and a smattering of rycraft cookie stamps! I love brown bag cookie molds--and have two large ones for short bread with animals and hearts that I cut into smaller cookies after they're baked. I also like to make molded sugar cookies that I then 'paint' with food coloring paste.

I like your tips here for how to work with the stamps better. I haven't been as successful at using the stamps as I am at using the molds.

You are absolutely correct--stamped and molded cookies DO taste better!

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

These look yummy and also pretty!! Thanks so much for stopping by!! Yes, that tornado was a bit too close for comfort!!

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Sue, yes, I definitely had you figured for the type! It's been decades since I painted any stamped cookies, but of course it would be a totally natural and expected thing for *you* to do!

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Thanks, Deb! Baking pretty things is all the excitement I need most of the time--don't need a tornado blowing through town!


What great cookies dear friend ! I love all kinds of gadgets for baking fun and this "Thistle Stamp" is amazing ! I always wondered how acquired the stamp on cookies like Scottish shortbread type.
Lucky winner !

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Thanks, Fabby. "Baking fun"--I like that!

puttermuch said...

These are beautiful ! I've been wanting to try a Cardamom shortbread recipe and I think it would make the cookies even more delicious if I were to use the tea time cookie stamp. Thank you for another wonderful post and recipe.

Mrs Mummy Harris said...

I'm loving those stamps, makes baking even more fun!
Thank you for sharing this with us at #TriumphantTales. I hope to see you back next week!

Pattie Tierney said...

As much as I love shortbread and stamped cookies, I never seem to have too much luck getting a good imprint of the pattern. That doesn’t mean that I don’t continue to try. The stamp that I would use first would be the treble clef. For years, my dad played the trumpet, played in a band at Yale (where he met Glenn Miller), played in the army during World War II, and his birthday is this Tuesday. I think nothing would delight him more than to have homemade cookies stamped with a treble clef.

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Thank you, puttermuch! AND thank you for the idea of adding cardamom to my next batch! I just bought some last month.

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Thank you, MrsMummy. There are so many stamps that are perfect for all kinds of kids' parties, too.

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Pattie, sounds perfect for him! My father would have appreciated cookies (with some other design) more than a material gift--he truly did not want anything, but he did appreciate good baking! You're not alone with the problem of getting a good imprint, which is why I included those three "chillings" in my directions. That and not putting eggs or baking powder or soda into the dough make a huge difference.

Bernideen said...

The trouble with shortbread is making oneself not eat them and eat them - butter sure is good! What a fun group of stamps and cookies! Thanks for sharing.

Roseann Hampton said...

I would use the teapot stamp. A friend of mine is giving a tea party bridal shower for my daughter next month and these would be perfect to take to the shower! Thanks for sharing your giveaway with us at The Blogger's Pit Stop! Roseann from This Autoimmune Life

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Thank you, Bernideen. And I know what you mean. But I don't worry about fat, just sugar, you know; and these have less than a teaspoon of sugar, so I can eat several! :-)

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Roseann, thank you. And, yes, they would be perfect for the bridal shower tea party! Best wishes to the happy couple!

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Thank you, Teri. Yes, fall--my favorite as well, cool and crisp with a certain scent in the air. AND good baking weather!

Veronica Lee said...

These are ADORABLE! I love shortbread cookies!

Jeanie said...

Well, I definitely want to enter the drawing and winner or not, I will be copying this recipe down. Shortbread is a favorite of mine. I love all the stamps you showed -- the recipe takes the design very well!

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Thanks, Veronica! And don't we all just love "adorable"!

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Thank you, Jeanie. Yes, you (artist) would notice that!

Grandma's House DIY said...

Love these! Thanks for sharing with us at the To Grandma's house we go link party!

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Thanks, Tarah!

Lauren @ My Wonderfully Made said...

Jeanne I love shortbread but have never made it OR stamped it. I'm pinning your recipes-- they look so mouth watering!

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Thanks so much, Lauren. I think you'd have a lot of fun with it!

Anonymous said...

I would use the music note and teapot for a fun summer party.natbelinsky@verizon.net

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Nat, that sounds delightful!

Miz Helen said...

Your cookies look delicious! Hope you are having a great week and thanks so much for sharing with us at Full Plate Thursday.
Miz Helen

Liz Parker-Cook said...

These are so cute! What a good idea for a gift. #TriumphantTales

Unknown said...

Mmm these look yummy! I like the rocking horse one! #blogcrush

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Thanks, Miz Helen. Yes, I'm having a great week so far!

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Liz, thank you so much!

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Thanks, Lucy! I knooooow, can't wait to use that one for a baby shower!

Jill J. said...

I love the little rocking horse, I'd use it for Christmas cookies.

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Jill, it's one of my favorites, too. Mr Rycraft is an amazing artist.

mkjmc said...

Love them. I would use the music clef to amake cookies for daughters piano recital

Meghan said...

I would use the rocking horse for Baby Shower cookies!

monique s said...

I will use the teapot stamper and make cookies for a tea party with the gals

Kitchen Riffs said...

Love shortbread! Terrific flavor, wonderful texture, and just enough sweetness. These look wonderful! Thanks so much.

Helen said...

These are so cute. My little girl would love the kitty stamper. She would probably use it as soon as she sees it, and I would love to use the snowflake stamper for some Christmas cookies.

Clair Shumack said...

I would love to use the teapot stamp! We get together for girls night about once a month and I can see these being a huge hit!!

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Perfect, mkjmc! I love recitals!

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Meghan, I'm just itching for a baby shower to come along now! :D

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Monique, it's my most frequently used stamp, for that very reason!

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Thank you, John. I agree. Even as a child, I was never fond of an overly sweet ooey-gooey cookie.

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Helen, I agree with your little girl! That kitty stamp is just adorable.

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Clair, sounds good. I should institute a monthly girls night!

Lynne said...

Since I am a cat lover (and owner of two kitties), the cat with a bow is the first one I'd use and there wouldn't be any special occasion for it, just an excuse to make cookies with cats on them.

Janet Boyanton said...

I would probably use the cat stamp first and make cookies for my animal recue friend.

jboyanto at swbell dot net

Stephanie said...

I would use the snowflake stamp for when I make Christmas cookies.

Audrey Stewart said...

I would use the teapot stamp. These would make great cookies to have with tea. (jozywails@gmail.com)

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Lynne, I'm always so happy to meet another cat lover!

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Janet, that would be perfect!

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Stephanie, I love that snowflake so much I'd use it all winter long!

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Misty, I must admit that teapot is my personal fave!

Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson said...

Jean, shortbread cookies are one of my favorites. I love that buttery flavor. The stamps are perfect! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Thanks, Jann. Perfect cookie to share on #ShareYourCup!

Trish said...

These are so cute! I would use the teapot stamp for cookies to serve with tea!

Trish glindathegood@bellsouth.net

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Thanks, Trish. Sounds good to me!

Leela said...

The house stamp for our new home.

lkw1974 said...

The rocking horse. How cute these are! Thank you

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Leela, congratulations on your new home!

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Thank you for entering, lkw1974.

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

*Giveaway Winner Announced* - The winner of the Rycraft Cookie Stamps giveaway, by random drawing, is “puttermuch.” “Puttermuch,” as soon as you send me, delightfulrepast at aol dot com, your name and shipping information, Rycraft will ship the package. Congratulations!

If I don't hear from the winner of the random drawing by 11:59 am Eastern time Sunday, July 1, another drawing will be held and new winner selected from among the original entrants (those who commented before the giveaway deadline).

This was fun! Watch for more giveaways here at Delightful Repast! In the meantime, follow me on Google, Pinterest (@delightfulrepas) and Twitter (@delightfulrepas). You can even use the Follow Me By Email button in the right column.

kateonthinice said...

You have made me super peckish #BlogCrush

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Thanks, Kate. Nothing goes better with a cup of tea!

Sherry said...

i've never used a cookie stamp.
i know ... gasp!
cookie cutters yes, cookie stamp no.
i'm loving the idea of a stamp though...

Annette, 3 Little Buttons said...

Oh wow! How delightful Jean. I'm certain that stamped and patterned biscuits taste way better than the plain ones :-) These would be perfect for afternoon tea in the garden. Thanks so much for joining us for the #DreamTeam - we LOVE your recipes and clever foodie tips xx

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Oh, Sherry, yes, you must try a cookie stamp!

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Thanks so much, Annette! Love the #DreamTeam!

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

The person who won the initial drawing had not responded to the posted announcement, so another drawing was held.

*Giveaway Winner Announced* - The winner of the Rycraft Cookie Stamps giveaway, by random drawing, is Lynne. Lynne, as soon as you send me, delightfulrepast at aol dot com, your name and shipping information, Rycraft will ship the package. Congratulations!

If I don't hear from the winner of the random drawing by 11:59 am Eastern time Tuesday, July 3, another drawing will be held and new winner selected from among the original entrants (those who commented before the giveaway deadline).

This was fun! Watch for more giveaways here at Delightful Repast! In the meantime, follow me on Google, Pinterest (@delightfulrepas) and Twitter (@delightfulrepas). You can even use the Follow Me By Email button in the right column.

Ruth - Mummy and the Mexicans said...

These cookies look gorgeous, and I'm sure they taste more delicious with a stamped design! #dreamteam

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Thanks so much, Ruth!

chickenruby said...

so pretty, i think they'd take so much better with a stamp

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Thank you, Suzanne!