30 January 2020

An Announcement

An Announcement - Nothing to Do with Pears / www.delightfulrepast.com
This post has absolutely nothing to do with pears, but I had to put up a picture of something. And pears made more sense than some of the stuff I paint, like autumn leaves, pine trees, trees in general, cats, birds and elephants! 

Each year as February 15 approaches, I consider the future of my blog. And never more so than this year when February 15 will mark the Tenth Blogiversary of Delightful Repast.

When I started blogging, I never dreamed I would be posting every week for 10 years. I know lots of bloggers post multiple times a week, but once a week was a real stretch for me.

I love developing recipes and writing them out in great detail so that my readers at every skill level can have success with them. I enjoy sharing my love of tea (the beverage and the ritual) and wine. And I slip in the occasional travel post.

One of my favorite types of posts is when I do a giveaway of a product or book or piece of kitchen equipment I use and love. 

The best part of blogging for me is something that many bloggers miss out on--engagement with my readers. I read and respond to every comment and, if the commenter has a blog, I visit the blog and leave a comment there. 

I really don't want to give all that up. So I've decided to post less frequently rather than stop posting altogether. I hope that will suit my readers as well as give me a bit more time for all the other aspects of my life.

Don't ask me how long it takes to produce one of my posts and do all the other things associated with blogging. I've never actually done the math on that because I didn't want to know!

Rather than posting every Thursday as I have all these years without a break, I am going to post every other Thursday. So don't look for a new post next week, but come by anyway and read an old post--there are more than 500 of them!

I'll be back on February 13 (10th blogiversary week), and I hope you'll join me! If you haven't subscribed, please do so and you'll automatically get an email notice when a new post is published. 

And just to get some food into this food blog post for you, here is what I'm making for dinner today: Slow Cooker Pork Loin Roast with Gravy.



Lisa's Yarns said...

Thank you for stopping by and leaving a thoughtful comment on my blog! I'm always looking for new recipe ideas so need to peruse your blog for new ideas of things to make!

Jeanie said...

I think that makes great sense, Jean. I would hate it like crazy if you stopped blogging but easing it makes a lot of sense. To be honest, I have a hard time following those who post daily -- I don't see how they do it and sometimes the content shows. When I come to your blog, the content is always spot on, looks good, reads well, works. Between the recipe development and testing, I'm frankly surprised that you can post as often as you do.

That said, I hope if you get the urge to post a painting or whatever in between food posts, that you do! Just the painting, nothing else! I love seeing your work and it makes me smile to see how you are flying with this!

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Dear Jean: I have posted a lot over the years, {almost twelve}, including hosting three virtual parties. I have seen many changes, many of which I don't like, but I seem to keep going. I know you must be very busy and I have enjoyed perusing your recipes as well as making a number of them. I shall look forward to any new posts you share with us and I want to thank you for all of your visits. Take care!

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Lisa, thank you. I hope you'll find here lots of recipes you'll want to make!

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Jeanie, thank you so much. I've always aimed for those three things with each post. AND thank you for the idea of popping in a painting now and then!

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Sandi, thank you. I always enjoy my visits to your lovely blog and hope you will keep it up for at least another twelve years! I think my new posting schedule will help me a lot.

Angie's Recipes said...

Share recipes when you can, I will be always here :-))...don't let the blogging become a burden..

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Angie, thank you for your support. I really appreciate it.

Barbara Harper said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog! Happy upcoming 10th anniversary! I've been blogging for 13 years, and it has often been a struggle to know how much time to devote to blogging and to the rest of life. I hope your new plan works well for you.

ellen b. said...

It's good to know what will work for you and make changes. See you in February.

Vee said...

Phew! I feel as if I dodged another “Goodbye.” I do love Blogdom even when I myself am not here as often as in former times. If one has never blogged, the amount of time involved would stun. Add to that developing quality recipes and it is that much more time and effort. Congrats on a wonderful ten years! Here’s to another ten at least!

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Thank you, Barbara. Thirteen years! Wow! Life is all about finding a balance, isn't it?

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Thank you so much, Ellen. I think the every-other-Thursday thing *is* going to work!

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Vee, thanks so much. I know what you mean about "another goodbye." I hate it when a blogger I like leaves the blogosphere. I hope my cutting back plan works out okay.

Lowcarb team member said...

Happy up-coming blogaversary.
I always enjoy my visits to your blog, but it is your blog and you must do what suits you.
However, I look forward to seeing your next recipe.

Take care and enjoy 2020.

All the best Jan

Lowcarb team member said...

PS Also meant to say I like your painting and the recipe link :)

All the best Jan

Laura B said...

What I love about blogging is that you can create your own schedule because you are your own boss! I hope your new posting schedule is a good fit for your life!

Richard Sheppard said...

You and I started blogging within weeks of each other and I've thoroughly enjoyed reading your blog all those years! I slowed down posting long ago so don't feel bad. I mostly post on Facebook these days since I got tired of all the spam on my blog. I'll read your blog if you post once a week or once a year, there are just too many darn good recipes that have become staples around our house. So "cheers" to both of us for sticking it out so long and I look forward to another ten years of recipes to try. At least this way, you'll have more time to paint! :-)

April J Harris said...

I'm so glad you are finding a balance, Jean, and not leaving. I would miss you way too much! I totally understand how blogging regularly can be overwhelming, and I'm so glad you will still be active in the blogosphere. I love your pears. Your paintings are wonderful! Thank you for being a valued part of the Hearth and Soul Community!

TONY said...

I don’t blame you Jean. Keeping going every week for ten years makes it sound like a full time job and do it for love.
I must admit , as you have probably realised I have never kept to a timetable. I have only two criteria: write about what inspires me and write reasonably often so people don’t completely forget me.I bet some wish they could but anyway.
I am glad you will still be blogging fortnightly, Jean. I can sense you have many other things to be getting on with, relaxing a bit more at the top of the list maybe? All the best, Tony

Thomas "Sully" Sullivan said...

First off, your painting was delicious! Secondly, I certainly get it about the blogging interval, as I’m only able to muster sending out my Sullygram link (15 yrs now) once a month to free subscribers. And you’re right, the connections with readers is the grand reward. So, on this momentous reconfiguring of Delight Repast I mark the occasion with…5 cleavers!

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Jan, thank you so much. I really appreciate your support and enjoy the fine work you do on your site.

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Laura, that's a good way to put it! I think the new schedule will help me a lot.

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Richard, thank you. Here's a tip for dealing with the spammers if you'd like to post to your blog more often: Enable comment moderation and just publish the real comments and delete the spam before it appears on your blog. I love that some of my recipes have become staples around your house! :-) Keep up the good work. And I *am* going to be able to paint more on my new schedule!

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

April, thank you. So glad you like the pears! Yes, finding the balance is the key, as in so many things. I always enjoy your entertaining and informative blog and appreciate the work you do hosting Hearth and Soul and being so supportive.

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Yes, Tony, fortnightly! I've been using the word "fortnight" since I first encountered it when I was a very young girl--the sound of it captured my imagination. Don't know why I didn't think to use it in this post (I might add it in!). I often wish you posted more frequently, but then I've gotten used to your un-schedule! :-) Your posts are always so informative. Thanks so much.

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Sully, thank you so much for the 5 cleavers AND for your ongoing support and encouragement. I can't believe you've been doing the Sullygram for 15 years! Keep it up for at least another 15. It would really be missed by all your peeps.

Phil in the Kitchen said...

I think your determination and commitment to the once a week post has been hugely admirable. I greatly enjoy reading your new posts and I'll enjoy them just as much at two week intervals as I did at one. So please don't disappear.
I came close to stopping writing my blog a few years ago because I felt I couldn't commit enough time to it and it seemed to me that the time for blogging recipes might have passed because people mostly wanted a few pictures and maybe an ingredient list. But then I realised that I was still digging up and devising recipes which I really liked and wanted to record and it didn't matter to me that I only had a recipe to write about far less regularly. Hopefully someone else reads my recipes now and then but, to be honest, if they don't then that's OK too. I still love the recipes and, happily, so do a a few of my friends. Blogging's good fun but being a slave to it isn't any fun at all.
Shamefully, your anniversary has reminded me that my blog reached the 10 year mark last year and I didn't even notice. I think I might be getting just a bit too laid-back in my dotage.

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Phil, you started As Strong As Soup four months before I began blogging. Happy belated 10th blogiversary to you! I'm not sure when I discovered your blog, but I loved it from the start. Like me, you like to know the story behind the dish. Such fun! I like your laid-back approach, but I will probably do okay with the fortnightly schedule. If not, I'll stretch it out. I'm not ready to "disappear" from the blogosphere!

Margie said...

The new posting schedule sounds great, Jean. Your food blog is timeless--people can search/access archived posts for recipes.

I concur that reader engagement is the best part of blogging! That's what keeps my little hobby blog going.

Looking forward to celebrating your 10-year anniversary next month!

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Margie, thank you for your support. I found your blog through Bernideen's linkup and continue to enjoy it--tea is such a worthy subject for a blog! And my next post will be something that goes beautifully with tea!

Pauline Wiles said...

So glad to find your news is "every fortnight" (as we Brits tend to say) and not something else...
Also, I was just at the Anglotopia blog & was delighted to see you already know Colleen Sehy. I figured you would enjoy each other's work!

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Thanks so much, Pauline. I think my new every fortnight schedule is going to work beautifully. I may even be shocked at how much more time I have! Wasn't Colleen's latest post a great one?! I do so love a good pasty.

Gerlinde de Broekert said...

I totally understand you Jean, I admire you for blogging every other week. I have been in a rut myself and having a hard time continuing with my blogging. We need to encourage each other to continue.

Pom Pom said...

Your dinner sounds yummy!

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Gerlinde, thank you. Yes, you've been at this for about 6 1/2 years, right? That's a long time. I think I need a definite schedule, and I'm hoping the every other Thursday will be just what I'm looking for. Maybe putting yourself on a definite posting schedule (whatever it may be) would help you. Yes, let's encourage each other!

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Thanks, Pom Pom (K)! It was delicious! And I made it without the carrots and celery, and it still tasted fabulous. Mr Delightful was happy!

Marilyn Miller said...

Congratulations! I have thought of just switching to Instagram, as I have been enjoying that a lot. Then I remind myself why I enjoy the blog just for me even if no one else reads it. Thanks for coming by and leaving comments. I still love my crepe pan I won here too.

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Thank you, Marilyn. If you ever give up one or the other, I hope it will be Instagram. I would miss your blog. I'm glad you've enjoyed the pan. Every time I use it, I think how much better it is than my old one.

Lea Ann said...

Jean, my blog will be 11 years old in May. I've always tried to post twice a week and it really can become difficult. Especially whena recipe doesn't turn out as perfect as you'd like and you have to make it 3 times to get it right before you share it. I hear ya.
See you next week.

Victoria Zigler said...

Putting together a blog post takes a lot of work and time. I'm sure everyone understands that. Do whatever works best for you. I'm already subscribed to get your posts by eMail anyhow. I subscribed after I came across your blog, because though I haven't looked through all your recipes, those I've seen are definitely worth keeping hold of. When I get a chance to do so, I'll be going through all the ones I missed.

In the meantime, early happy bloggerversary wishes to you!

Quinn said...

Hi Jean - I love your painting :)
So glad to read that you will continue blogging, at whatever rate you feel like posting! Yours has long been one of my favorite blogs.
I'd like to send you a card in honor of your 10th anniversary, if you'd be comfortable emailing your mailing address? If not, no worries :)

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Lea Ann, then there are the days when the dish is perfect, but the lighting is bad. And it's not a food blog without the photos! Keep up the good work. And thank you.

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Victoria, thanks so much. I hope you'll find lots of things here you'll like. My new posting schedule will give you more time to catch up!

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Thank you, Quinn (H). I'll have so much more time for painting now! I think I'm going to be surprised at how much more time I'll have for other things. I always enjoy your blog as well.

Tamago said...

Happy upcoming blogiversary! Posting weekly for 10 years is amazing! And I think reducing frequency sure will give you more time to enjoy other things. I like to engage with other bloggers, too, and I appreciate your visits to my page :-) I enjoy your blog and love your beautiful sketches!

Lynn and Precious said...

Jean, I am new to your blog. You came for a visit on mine a few weeks back.
I don't post often because I don't have a lot to share! Just my cat!
But I need to read your past posts of recipes. I do all the cooking and
sometimes things get really old! Enjoy your new free time, which I bet
will not be too free.

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Thanks so much, Tamago. I should have time to do a lot more sketches than I can manage now! Love your cat photos and always enjoy your posts about them.

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Lynn, thank you so much. I hope you'll subscribe and find lots of recipes to try. I'm a cat lover, too, so it makes a lovely break to stop in at your blog and visit Precious!

Shelbee on the Edge said...

Wow, Jean, congratulations on 10 years of blogging! That is quite an accomplishment. I am like you, the reader engagement is so important and I take the time to read and respond to every comment as well as visit all the blogs that so generously take the time to join my link parties. It is time consuming but so worth it. I see a lot of blogs who have humungous followings who never engage at all, no response to comments and some don’t even post the comments once they have gone to moderation. That makes me kind of sad when I have taken the time to leave a thoughtful response. So I always strive to do better than that! Thanks for all that you do in the world of blogging!


Amy Marie Orozco said...

Happy Anniversary! And congratulations on your decision to post less frequently. What a good example you are setting. Lots of us could use slowing down to keep things enjoyable.

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Shelbee, thank you, you are too kind! Yes, there are a lot of bloggers out there who have no engagement with their readers, and I just don't get it. And lots of link party hosts who neither reply to comments or visit the participants, so I always notice those of you who do. I've dropped out of many for that very reason.

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Amy, thank you so much. And I like the idea that I'm setting a good example! :-) We need to take care of ourselves.

Anonymous said...

Blogging takes time, we need to honor the pull to blog less often when our schedules don't permit regular blogging. During my crazy wedding season I often go weeks without a blog post!

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Thanks, Debbie. And even if we have blog posts ready in advance for busy times of year, sure, we can put up the post; but without time to respond to comments, visit other bloggers, etc, it just doesn't seem right.

Margaret D said...

Thanks for the update. you have done extremely well to blog for 10 years once a week.

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Thank you, Margaret. And you've been blogging, with lots of beautiful photos, for a long time as well. Keep up the good work!

Cheryl said...

Jean, I LOVE your solution!! When I first saw the title of your post, I was afraid that you were going to discontinue blogging, so I was relieved when I read that you are simply slowing your pace.

I feel that time crunch too. The time to blog . . . and the time to interact with your readers . . . and the time to read blogs that you love . . . it all adds up! And, like you, I don't want to let go of the sweet friends and the relationships that I enjoy through blogging. So I appreciate your honesty and your solution!

kitty@ Kitty's Kozy Kitchen said...

Good for you, Jean! I always look forward to your posts, but I do understand. When I first started, I posted three times a week, and worked down to once a week. I’ll look forward to your next post. Enjoy your painting, and baking time!

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Cheryl, thank you. I appreciate your support. You've been at this even a bit longer than I have. I always enjoy the photos of your family and your warm and inviting home. May we both continue blogging for another 10 or more years!

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Kitty, thanks so much. I don't know how you ever did it--three times a week would have wrecked me! You've been at this about nine years, I think. I'm glad the weekly posting schedule is working well for you.

Cocoa and Lavender said...

I love that we are hitting our tenth anniversary the same exact week! Like you, I have been posting once a week for 10 years… Hard to believe, isn’t it? When I started, I didn’t even want to write a blog. I was convinced to do this by a friend and we were going to “co-blog.“ Somehow I ended up doing it by myself and I absolutely love it. Here’s to ten more years for us both!

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Thank you, yes, 10 more. David, it really is hard to believe! I wasn't even reading blogs when I started. I just "took a notion" one day, as my Southern grandmother would have said, and dived in. Don't you think once a week is the perfect schedule? I've been able to keep up with your posts on that schedule, but I can't read anyone's blog three times a week!

Louca por porcelana said...

Looking forward to celebrating your 10-year anniversary next month!Enjoy your time!Hugs,Maristella.

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Thank you, Maristella. I'll be sure to have something in a pretty dish for you! :-)

Dee | GrammysGrid.com said...

Happy (upcoming) Blogiversary! You're so right, many bloggers miss out on engaging with their readers and other bloggers!! Nothing wrong with changing up things as you have to enjoy what you're doing or it isn't worth it. I pinned this! Thanks so much for linking up with me at my #UnlimitedMonthlyLinkParty 9, open February 1 to 26.

My themed party 10 for All Things Love and Valentine’s Day is open January 30 to February 10 if you have any appropriate posts.

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Dee, thanks so much. You are one of a handful of link party hosts who engages with their participants.

Julie's Creative Lifestyle said...

Congrats Jean on so many years of blogging. I have enjoyed all of your awesome recipes. Thanks for stopping by my blog and your sweet comment.

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Thanks so much, Julie. And you've been at it quite a while, too, and for many more years, I hope.

At Rivercrest Cottage said...

Jan 1st was 10 years for me too! I can't believe how much has happened in those years, but it's all on the pages of my blog...added 4 grandchildren, lost a sister, moved my in-laws into assisted living, sold a house, I retired, sold in-law's house and bought a new one, husband retired, traveled, hubby's stage 4 cancer diagnosis, mother-in-law died the very next day, father-in-law passed away 4 moths later, sold our house, moved to Mississippi, bought a house, husband died 4 months later, selling a house and facing an unknown future...all of these things I've done with the prayers, hugs and fellowship of the wonderful bloggers of this world. Jean I hope you're able to reduce your workload, but please don't give up your blog. We need the exchange of bloggers to stay thriving.

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Sharon, thank you so much for sharing your experience and encouragement. I remember reading about many of those things on your blog. You've been through so much--your last couple years have been enough to take anyone down, but here you are! You can be sure your example, your sharing, will help a lot of people. Virtual hug!

handmade by amalia said...

Congratulations on your blogiversary, Jean. Ten years! You've created such a lovely space here, I always enjoy my visits and the fantastic recipes. I'm glad you've decided not to stop.

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Amalia, thank you so much. And I always enjoy my visits to your blog--enjoying your rhymes and crafts--such a happy, positive space!

Ellen Hawley said...

That sounds like a sensible solution. I hope it works well for you.

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Thank you, Ellen. It feels a bit odd, I must say. I have a post all ready to go, but I won't be posting it until next Thursday. And today I'm feeling a bit of a fifth wheel, not doing my usual posting and the rest of the routine.

Lucy said...

10 YEARS! Wow, that's a real achievement. Congratulations Jean. I've learned so much from you over the years and I've always been grateful for your insightful and generous comments on my posts. I guess I'm also heading for a decade this year, but I've long given up weekly posts so I take my hat off to you for staying the course. Hope you've got a lovely celebration planned! Lucy

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Lucy, thank you so much! Well, you're still at it, if not every week or even a set schedule, and that is quite something. I've seen so many come and go, and yours is one I would really miss if you left the blogosphere!

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

Congrats Jean on 10 years of blogging! I jut hit that same anniversary..I felt like you do and last year before I stopped working , I had cut back on blogging but now that I am retired, I have more time to spend on preparing posts so I am back to 3 times a week....You need to do what works for you and I hope this will work out for you...Thanks so much for stopping by!!

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Thank you, Debbie, and happy 10th blogiversary to you, too! I'm glad that you are enjoying retirement and having time to do things you enjoy.

Lorrie said...

Congratulations on 10 years of blogging, Jean. I'm glad you'll continue posting, even if it's less frequently. I know that it takes a lot of time to put together a recipe post and I appreciate your hard work. I love that Browned Butter Rhubarb Cake you post a year or two back.

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Lorrie, thanks so much. I'm glad you like that cake. https://www.delightfulrepast.com/2018/05/brown-butter-rhubarb-cake.html I'll be making it again myself as soon as I can get my hands on some rhubarb. Your outstanding landscape photography makes me feel I've had a mini-vacation every time I visit your blog!

Liberty from B4andAfters.com said...

Hi Jean,
I'm just in my third year of blogging. I knew it would be work-- but who knew how much work?!!! But I do enjoy it, and I wish my readers would interact with me more.... I ask questions in my posts, and rarely get an answer....

I don't know what season of life you are in, but I like your choice to just post less often instead of stopping altogether.

Take care,
Liberty from B4andAfters.com

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Liberty, thanks for the feedback. Yes--who knew HOW much! :D So far, blogging just every other Thursday is feeling very strange, but I think I'm going to like it.

Antionette Blake said...

Enjoy the break and continue to share at #trafficjamweekend

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Thank you, Antionette!

Hazlo Emma said...

Congratulations on hitting that 10-year mark blogging each week.Wow!
Isn't it a sweet delight to come to terms with what works for your blogging schedule?
Consistency is what matters - right?
I have been a ghostwriter for one of our clients who alternate blogging daily (when there is a promotion of a new service) with less frequently (once every 5 days). It is a lot of work. What I have seen is that whether you blog daily or weekly or once a month, Google seems to properly rank a good SEO optimized post in about 6 7 months. Who has seen differently?
I have scheduled your post for social media share.

Liberty from B4andAfters.com said...

Hello again! Jean, I do respond to all comments, but I'm not sure if people get emails when I reply.... I'm going to respond to your comment on my blog. Will you let me know if you get an email saying that I replied?....


Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Hazlo Emma, thank you. I think the new schedule is going to be good. "Consistency is what matters" -- I so agree with that. And social media shares are always appreciated.

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Liberty, I'll check on that for you and let you know.

My Hubbard Home said...

Jean, thanks for the update. Blogging each post takes a lot of work, and I think the recipe posts are the hardest - at least for me :) Scaling back to twice a month is very sensible.

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Yes, Rachelle, food posts take a lot of time. Something had to give! :D

Leanne said...

Hi Jean - I just saw your mention of this post on Sue's ST60 blog and had to pop over for a read. Congrats on 10 years and I know exactly what you mean about posting and engaging with others. I started with 3 posts a week, went down to 2 a week a year or so ago and will drop back to one a week next year. (I've been blogging for 5+ years) I don't want to stop either because I love the friendships and the lovely people like yourself that I've met. I wish I was more of a cook so I could engage more with your posts, but I love that we've still popped in and out for a little visits over the years! Happy slightly late blogaversary and I'm glad you're going to keep on keeping on xxx (91 comments on this post!!)

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Hi Leanne ~ Thank you so much for popping in! And for the blogiversary wishes! You and Sue are two of my favorite bloggers, and I love how you put it about not being really into cooking, but "I love that we've still popped in and out for little visits over the years!" And wishing you many more years of happy blogging.

Kitchen Riffs said...

I missed this post because I was traveling. Ten years is a LONG time. I published a couple of posts a week for a couple of years, but then dropped down to one post a week -- too much work. I figure it takes at least a 10 hours per post to do it right Glad you decided not to stop -- always enjoy seeing what you're cooking and baking! Posting every other week makes a ton of sense to me. Thanks for being here for us!

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

John, thank you so much! I think you're pretty close with "at LEAST 10 hours." I don't know how you did two posts a week for even a couple of years--whew! Like me, you and Mrs Riffs don't just throw together a post!

Elsie said...

I've moved to a pretty infrequent posting schedule, but I like the pace(: Thanks for not stopping blogging, though!!

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Elsie, thanks so much for stopping in and commenting on this! Glad you've found a pace that's working well for you.

Anonymous said...

Unless your blog is your business, blogging is supposed to be enjoyable hobby. So it’s all about doing what is right for you.

Thank you for sharing with Creative Compulsions!

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Thanks, Michelle. I'm sure enjoying my new lighter posting schedule!

Brooks at Cakewalker said...

Jean, you've eloquently touched on every emotion I've felt about blogging, from the maintenance, the posting rate and whether or not the effort has any impact on readers. I recall meeting you through the LA Times #WeekendEats on Twitter. Remember that? Aside from your culinary prowess, your commitment to responding to every comment impressed me to the point of adopting the practice myself. You've known for a while now my posting is intermittent which works well for a family/work/life balance. The sensibility of posting by what works best is doable, and quality over quantity gets two thumbs up. Like Mrs. W says, her theme for 2020, "You do you!" :)

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Thanks so much for your thoughtful comment, Brooks. And it sounds like you married a very wise woman! "You do you!" sounds like a wonderful theme for every year.