20 April 2017

Harney and Sons Fine Teas - Organic Tea Review and Giveaway

Harney and Sons Fine Teas - Organic Tea Review and Giveaway / www.delightfulrepast.com

Several years ago I was introduced to Harney and Sons Fine Teas by master tea blender John Harney himself, the founder of the company. I was saddened to learn of his death five years later, but his family is carrying on the fine tea tradition.

Wait! Not a tea lover? Don't go away just because you aren't one! Someone you know and love is, and this will make a wonderful gift for that person!

Update 04/27/17: Giveaway is now closed.

Harney and Sons have white, green, matcha, oolong, black and decaffeinated teas as well as herbal infusions. Since I drink mostly organic teas, I was happy to learn that they currently offer ten organic teas and herbal infusions.

The 24-ounce teapot, which happens to have an excellent non-drip spout, makes up to four teacups or two or three mugs of tea. It comes in six colors: ivy (green), red, blue, white, lime and turquoise. Choose your color!

Harney and Sons Fine Teas - ForLife Curve Teapot with Infuser / www.delightfulrepast.com
24-Ounce ForLife Curve Teapot with Infuser

John Harney favored a 5-minute steep for most black teas, as do I, so I went with that for all my tastings. And for each I put 25 fluid ounces of water in the electric kettle (because about an ounce evaporates in the boiling) and 6 grams of loose leaf tea in the fine-mesh stainless steel infuser.

In the case of the Earl Grey, 6 grams was 4 1/2 teaspoons (3 scoops with my 1 1/2-teaspoon measuring spoon or 3 "rounded" teaspoons). If you're an Earl Grey fan, you probably know you can get more or less pronounced bergamot flavor by playing around with the amount of tea and/or the steeping time, but I was quite pleased with the balance the first time.

(Oh and try my Earl Grey Shortbread!)

The measurement was the same for the Assam, though the leaves are not quite as bulky as the Earl Grey and so make measuring a "level" 1 1/2-teaspoon measure more, well, level. The resulting brew was perfect, strong enough to stand up to the teaspoon of milk I like to add, but not too strong on its own. Mr Delightful, who never adds anything to his tea and who is a real Earl Grey fan, liked this Assam a lot. Don't worry ...

I'm going to stop now and move on to the giveaway! I'm sure I've already lost some of you who like to drink tea but not go on and on about it they way I do!

Harney and Sons Fine Teas - Organic Tea Review and Giveaway / www.delightfulrepast.com

Update 04/27/17: Giveaway is now closed.

Harney & Sons Tea and Teapot Giveaway 

The winner of the giveaway will be sent: a 4-ounce tin Organic Assam, a 4-ounce tin Organic Breakfast, a 4-ounce tin Organic Darjeeling, a 4-ounce tin Organic Earl Grey, a package of Walkers shortbread and a 24-ounce ForLife Curve Teapot with Infuser in your choice of several colors.

This giveaway is open to US residents* 18 years of age or older. Leave a comment below (one entry per person); tell me which color teapot you'd like and perhaps your favorite time of day for a nice cup of tea. Please include your email address in the body of your comment. Must enter by 11:59 p.m. Eastern time Wednesday April 26.

* If you are outside the US but would like to have this sent to someone in the US (you would have to send them a gift card separately on your own), go ahead and enter! 

Winners will be chosen by random drawing and be announced here in the comments before noon Eastern time on Thursday April 27. If I don't hear back from the winner of the random drawing by noon Eastern time Sunday April 30, another drawing will be held and a new winner selected from the original entrants (those who commented before the giveaway deadline).

Disclosure: Harney & Sons provided product for review purposes and for the giveaway. The views expressed here are entirely my own. I always tell my readers what I really think!

Harney and Sons Fine Teas - Organic Tea Review and Giveaway / www.delightfulrepast.com

Don't forget to Pin it and share on all your SM!
(And tell your non-virtual friends as well!)


Angie's Recipes said...

Drinking my oolong tea now :-)) That's a lovely tea pot.

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Angie, I haven't had an oolong in ages; must remedy that! Yes, this teapot is my new favorite!

Thomas "Sully" Sullivan said...

Tut, tut! Please give away my winning entry to whomever you please. At last count, I had three (unopened) selections of fine teas all sent me at Christmases by Glenn Frey as part of gourmet baskets. And you thought the Eagles were into hard stuff. Of course, not having tried the teas, maybe they were… In any case, I dare anyone to repeat “Organic Assam” ten times fast without saying “orgasmic.”

Vee said...

Oh I do appreciate a good spout. My daughter-in-law is a serious tea drinker and she prefers loose leaf teas. I prefer a tea bag. 😊

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Sully, I pictured you tut-tutting as I pushed the Publish button! I so appreciate your comments even when they are, shall we say, less than enthusiastic. I've made a tea drinker out of Mr Delightful and I daresay I could make one out of *you*!

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Vee, unlike us, a lot of people don't give much consideration to the spout. This would be a perfect gift for DIL. Harney and Sons make a good teabag, too, with plenty of room for the tea leaves to unfurl.

kitty@ Kitty's Kozy Kitchen said...

What a fabulous giveaway for any tea loving fan!! The teapot is adorable, Jean, and the spout curves perfectly for pouring. Yes, please enter me!! Thank you!

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Thank you, Kitty! It's my new favorite. I really must get the large size one as well.

Debbie - Mountain Mama said...

Oh boy, I love tea and I am drooling over that amazing red teapot - that would be just perfect in my kitchen, without a doubt!!

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

What a lovely give away, Jean. I am a devoted Earl Grey tea drinker from way back. Harney and Sons do package lovely teas. A proper spout on a teapot makes all the difference in the world. I find that the English really know how to make a teapot that doesn't drip. ♥

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Debbie, I love that red, too, which might seem odd for someone whose kitchen is butter yellow. But I have all sorts of little red things in there!

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Oh, Martha, there is nothing more irritating to me than a dribbly spout on a teapot!

Daniela said...

I didn't knew this tea before, in Italy it's still unknown, for sure, and your review make me feel wanting to try it !
Thank you dearie for this so lovely presentation and giveaway, for sure your American followers will enjoy the fun !

Wishing you a most lovely remainder of your week


Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Dany, thank you for stopping by. I'm looking forward to visiting your beautiful corner of the blogosphere this weekend.

Nicola said...

We are big tea lovers! What a shame this is a US only giveaway :-( #DreamTeam

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

I knoooow, Nicola! But if you know someone in the US you'd like to send such a gift to, let me know and I'll enter you in the giveaway.

Debbie said...

I love the red teapot...so pretty! What a coincidence that I had just brewed a cup of tea before I came to your blog today. :)

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

That's what I call perfect timing, Debbie!

Swathi said...

That tea pot is really nice Jean, very nice color.

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Thanks, Swathi! If you're like me, you can always use another teapot!

Dee | GrammysGrid.com said...

That's a nice giveaway :) Thank you for attending the #WednesdayAIMLinkParty. I shared your post on Facebook, Google+, Pinterest, and Twitter.

Antiques And Teacups said...

Well, you know I am a tea person... Have 4 types of Harney tea on the go at the moment... Please enter me! Antiquesandteacups at gmail dot com

Also thanks for linking to Tuesday Cuppa Tea

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Grammy Dee, thank you so much! I so appreciate it.

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Yes, you are, Ruth! I really love having a whole group of tea friends on the internet as well as my tea friends on the ground!

Susan Broughton said...

I like the red color! I like to drink tea at all times of the day. sbroughton61@yahoo.com

Connie said...

What a great giveaway! I think the teapot in blue would look beautiful. I always enjoya nice cuppa in the evening along with a bite or two of something sweet...a great way to end the day.

Thanks for the opportunity.

Connie A. in KC

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Susan, I'm with you on that! "All times of the day!"

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Connie, that sounds good! With my last cup of the day, I'm going to have another slice of the cake I made this morning.

Margie said...

You have the best tea-related giveaways, Jean! Alas, I'm not eligible to enter, but I'm sure the winner will enjoy their prize!

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Thanks, Margie. And I'm entering you anyway because I know you have a friend in the US you could have this sent to!

Anonymous said...

I am partial to turquoise.

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Then turquoise it is, Leslie! I love turquoise, but it doesn't really "match" my house. Ooh, I just had an idea - I could use it when I have tea in the garden! Thanks for the inspiration!

Margie said...

Thank you, Jean! I forgot that I could have it sent to someone in the States...I do have a number of tea loving friends who would be thrilled to receive your generous giveaway.

Karenann S. said...

Thank you for such a lovely giveaway! I love the red teapot! I love to drink tea all day, but my most favorite time is around 10am, when breakfast has started to wear off and I'm starting to feel a bit tired. I just make myself a cup of green tea with lemon and it perks me right up!

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

That's lovely, Margie!

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Yes, Karenann, that sounds like a great time. I always say, I get up so early I need my elevenses around 8 or 9!

Rue said...

What a lovely giveaway, Jean! I have someone in mind for it if I win ;)


Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Thank you, Rue. That teapot would look lovely in your kitchen!

Gardening Helen said...

I love tea! Thanks for sharing.

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Thanks for commenting/entering, TLG!

Cranberry Morning said...

Well you didn't lose me with the detail. I love detail! And what a great giveaway. Although I'm just barely over 18 LOL, I'd love to enter. Since my commercial KitchenAid mixer is red, I would probably like a red teapot, should I win. And my favorite time of day for tea or coffee, besides breakfast, would be 10:30 AM or 3PM. Thanks for the nice giveaway, Jean!

Anonymous said...

My Earl Grey would be wonderful in a turquoise tea pot with the new spout.


Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Judy, me too, just barely over 18! :D Red, it is!

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Thanks for entering, Gaye!

Pauline Wiles said...

I've only tried Harney & Sons once but loved it. And is it too shallow to mention that their tins are also really beautiful?
In terms of teapot color, I'm tempted by the blue but on further pondering, the turquoise is a winner for me. You know I'm going to say that every time of day is perfect for tea, but there's nothing quite like 3:30 in the afternoon.
Thanks, Jean.

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Pauline, there's nothing "shallow" about appreciating beautiful tea tins! I inherited that very trait from my mother. She and I would buy shredded cardboard if it was in a pretty tin!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jean,

What a great give away. I love the sweet round shape of the pot and that the spout doesn't drip! Wonderful! I will have to think what color would be best as the choices are great.

Have a wonderful weekend.


Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Dear Lily, so glad you stopped in! Choosing just one color was tough. Big hug!

Kathleen said...

I just read a report on the health benefits of drinking leaf tea (not bag tea) So I am on the hunt for a nice teapot. I have not drunk leaf tea in years. Wish I could enter your giveaway.

Blogger's Pit Stop

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Kathleen, I wish you could too! Well, technically, you *can* (with my little work-around) if you want to have it sent to someone in the US. But that won't help *you*! One of the reasons I don't use teabags is because I drink *so* much tea that I could be exposing myself to lots of "stuff." I recommend this little teapot and it's big brother for larger amounts (and I'm very particular about my teapots). You can also use the infuser that comes with it in a mug.

Tony Grant said...

That picture is a scene replicated in many an Engish country village tea room, Jean.I would never guess , if I didn't know, that it is a table set for tea in the States. I like the idea of shortbread Scottie dogs. The tin has a Royal Stewart tartan on it if I am not mistaken.The Scottish element is being promoted strongly. Mr Harney, all tea producers are addressed in this formal fashion, Mr Twining and Mr Wittard for instance, appears to have produced a most delightful (no pun intended) tea leaf! Did you know that there is a tea called gunpowder tea? The leaves are dried in such a way that they resemble grains of gunpowder. Somebody could offer your president a nice cup of tea that might blow his head off!! Well, just a thought.

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Thank you, Tony. Your "English country village tea room" is a great compliment! I've never had gunpowder tea, but I don't think I'd like it. I don't care for a smokey flavor at all, though perhaps it is not quite so smokey as a lapsang souchong. And, though tea is the solution to most things, I can't advocate using it as a weapon! :D

Unknown said...

What a lovely giveaway! I like the cheerful red teapot so that is my pick. Best time for tea? Morning, always. I sit in my chair with cup or mug (depending on how much work is ahead), reading my favorite blogs and enjoying the quiet before the rush. This time of year, my favorite chair is on the screened porch (until summer hits). I am DeniseatDeniseAltmandotnet.

Jeanie said...

Well, I like to drink tea. It gets cold here in Michigan and it's a wonderful warm-up for those of us who don't drink coffee! And what a beautiful and generous giveaway. Of course I should love to enter!

Thanks for coming around to the Gypsy this past week! I always love your visits and comments!

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Thank you, Denise. I know what you mean! I certainly enjoy that first cup of the day in "the quiet before the rush." (And a screened porch would be lovely!)

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Jeanie, thank you. Glad you got in on this! Well, you'll be warming up soon. The Grand Hotel will be opening in another week, so you know spring will be springing soon!

Cocoa and Lavender said...

Okay, can you believe that I have never had tea (or coffee) in my life? Yet I love teapots! Go figure!

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

David, that is wild! My husband has never had so much as a sip of coffee in his entire life, but he drinks tea. I've never heard of anyone who has never had either! Do you use your teapots for herbal tisanes or perhaps for serving hot chocolate?

Anonymous said...

Love a cup of hot tea every morning it starts the day. But anytime for tea is good too I have one teapot that is 42 years old that I use it would be fun to win another maybe a red one would be fun.

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Cathrin, as I always say, one cannot have too many teapots!

HilLesha O'Nan said...

Personally, I'd love the turquoise. My favorite time of the day to drink tea is in the afternoon. Thanks for the giveaway!


xinex said...

What a wonderful giveaway! I love that red teapot and I like to drink tea while watching TV late in the evening...Christine

xinex said...

My email is xinex29@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

I'm not much of a tea drinker, but I do like to use tea for smoking my duck dishes. I've also heard of matcha tea ice cream- that'll be my next project!

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Lesha, the turquoise is gorgeous!

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Christine, late in the evening works for me, too. For some reason, maybe genetic (my grandmother was the same way), caffeine in tea does not bother my sleep or have a bad effect on me of any kind like the caffeine in coffee does.

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Anonymous, I've never made any smoked duck dishes! Must do that sometime. I have had matcha ice cream but never made it. I do, however, make the occasional batch of Earl Grey ice cream, and you can find my recipe here on the Recipes page.

Mrs Shoes said...

Earl Grey is a favourite of mine, & sometimes Chai, but most often I chuck an orange pekoe bag in my cup & call it good enough. Those shortbread cookies though.... mmm.

Kath Mattus said...

I have thought about trying Harney & Sons tea, but I just haven't gotten around to ordering any. So this would be a great introduction to their teas. Recently I bought a lovely jasmine green loose tea from a local company. So light and fruity, I love it. I believe the white teapot would be my choice as it would go with most any of my tea cups/saucers.

As to the time of day for tea. Anytime I have the whim would be most applicable, however early to mid morning is the time of day you are most likely to find me with a cup of tea. :~)

Thank you!

Kath Mattus said...

whoops, I failed to leave my email address...
kathryn.mattus (at) outlook.com

Thanks again for this lovely giveaway!

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Mrs Shoes, if you win this, you might just join me in my tea snobbery very soon! :D And, yes, those cookies! - Walkers shortbread is just like really good homemade with just a few ingredients.

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Kath, this would be a great intro! They also have all sorts of green teas. For the same reason you chose the white teapot, I'm going to order the large teapot in white very soon.

Annette, 3 Little Buttons said...

I LOVE tea. We have a stash of teapots at home because I always think tea tastes better freshly made with care. This sounds delicious, and I would so have entered if we were based in the US. Thank you for sharing with the #DreamTeam xx

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Annette, I have quite a stash of teapots myself. I love that you used the words "freshly made with care." It really does make a difference. You can still enter if you have someone in the US you'd like to have it sent to!

D said...

How wonderful! The red teapot is charming, but I'd love one in turquoise. Thanks for this giveaway! donnamlaux at gmail.com

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

You're welcome, Donna! And turquoise it is!

Ruth Schiffmann said...

Hi Jean! Sounds like a great giveaway for a tea drinker. Good luck to all who enter!!

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Thank you, Ruth! I'm having a cup of the Earl Grey right now - good stuff!

TONY said...

Just been reading through all your lovely comments, Jean. Living in Wimbledon South London I realised I wasn't in the running for a prize. I have just read in a comment above that I could nominate somebody I know in the States to win on my behalf. I'd like ,Vic, to get the teapot if by some minuscule chance I won. It would have to be a, "Brown Betty," though. A northern lass from, The Lakes, would know that of course!! Ha! Ha!

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

What a lovely thought, Tony! Thank you for entering. Everyone should have a Brown Betty in their collection!

Emily @Sinful Nutrition said...

I love a cup of herbal tea at night. It's the perfect way to end the night! I'd have to go with the lime colored teapot! Thanks for the giveaway! :)

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

You're welcome, Emily. That lime is a pretty color!

April J Harris said...

What a fabulous teapot! The red looks really cool. I like Assam tea as well. The Harney and Sons teas sound lovely. Sharing on Twitter etc! Thank you so much for bringing this post to Hearth and Soul, Jean.

Kelly M. said...

I'd love the tourquoise color... I have a nightly tea ritual that it would be great for :)

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

April, thank you! Those social media shares are much appreciated!

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Kelly, I love that you have a nightly tea ritual!

latanya t said...

red is my fave color, so I would pick red. I like tea in the morning.

dlatany at gmail dot com

Kaizen Fashion Project said...

Oooh LA LA :) tea is my favorite! I love all types, but green tea is my absolute favorite. I drink my tea in the late afternoons. I would LOVE the white teapot. Thanks for the super lovely giveaway! Cheers!

heatheranne99 at gmail dot com

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Latanya, I love red, too!

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Heather, though I love my red teapot, I need to get a white one, too!

Elisabeth said...

Oh, how fun! I would love the turqouise. I like tea in the morning or afternoon. Thanks!

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Elisabeth, it's always fun for me to "meet" another tea lover!

Unknown said...

Hi Jean, Thanks for stopping by my blog! I appreciate it. My current favorite is Vanilla Comoro (Harney and Sons). I like it at breakfast time. I also enjoy many other teas. A standby in my tea cupboard is Irish Breakfast. Please enter me in your very generous giveaway. I'd love the turquoise teapot - it's so different from any others that I have. Thanks for the opportunity.

Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

I would love to win the tea port and tea. It would make a great gift even if someone doesn't drink tea.

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

BethieLauren, I'll have to check out that Vanilla Comoro; I've never had it. Love Irish Breakfast!

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Yes, Carol, it would make a wonderful gift! Thanks for entering.

Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson said...

Love the turquoise and thinking of hosting a Mother's Day Tea for some of my friends and their daughters. Would love to be entered!! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

Madhuri said...

I always thought a coffee giveaway would be the best....but this seems to top it!! Would love a blue teapot if they have one. Being Indian, I definitely know how Assam tea tastes. So can't wait to try ont.

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Jann, I think the turquoise is the most popular so far. I probably "need" to get that color, too! A mother-daughter afternoon tea sounds wonderful!

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Thanks, Madhuri. These four all happen to be Indian teas! I seem to favor them.

Wehaf said...

I would choose the white teapot. I love (decaf or herbal) tea in the evening.

urchiken at gmail dot com

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Wehaf, I definitely need to get the white one as well. My husband sticks to herbal tisanes in the evening.

Lulu said...

Love your blog, so far...hoping to explore further when chance. For teapot choice...I love blue & white teapots, but if solid colored, I would probably prefer #1 turquoise (if available), lime green or a red tea pot. Thank you for the opportunity. :-)

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Thanks, Lulu! Come back anytime. I only post once a week, on Thursday, so it isn't hard to keep up with my blog.

Miz Helen said...

I sure do love that Red Tea Pot, wish I had it in my collection! Hope you are having a fantastic day and thanks so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday.
Come Back Soon!
Miz Helen

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Yes, Miz Helen, I can tell you're a red fan, too!

Bea Alexandra said...

Hi! I love the turquoise teapot. My favorite time of day to enjoy a cup of tea to myself is early in the morning before the hurry of work and breakfast and everything else that is about to get thrown at me. It's my time to reflect a bit.

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Sounds perfect, B Alexandra, "before everything else that is about to get thrown at me!"

Unknown said...

If I were to get a teapot I would probably get the white one. It'll go with everything! My favorite times to have tea are right after I get home from school or work, right before bed, or any time that it's raining! My email is courtmadison221@gmail.com.

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Courtney, those are all great times to have tea!

Michele M./ Finch Rest said...

Oh, Jean - what a "delightful" giveaway!

My very favorite tea of all time is Harney and Sons' PARIS - I drink that a great deal, so much so that I haven't tried all their others. This is an excellent opportunity to try some others- great choices and a very sound review, thank you.

Please, yes, by all means, count me in on this extraordinary giveaway! : - )

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Michele, thank you. I'm so glad you got in on this - just 12 hours to go! I haven't tried the Paris blend yet.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful red teapot -- and Walkers are my favorite shortbread cookie. I love a cup of hot tea right after lunch -- thanks, Miss J.

Kitchen Riffs said...

Love the tea from Harney and Sons! Earl Grey is our favorite, and we buy six pounds of it at a time! Yes, it does last awhile. But their packaging is so good, it stays fresh.

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Anonymous, you have good taste! :-) Do send me your email address so I can notify you if you win.

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

John, I *should* order six pounds at a time, the way I go through it! I usually just order a pound or two.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous from April 26 post above -- forgot to include email address -- thank you! Holtsford@ec.rr.com

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Thank you!

Sarah Coller said...

Thanks for the giveaway! I love my tea in the evening and would prefer the plain white pot. It's just like the ones at the Abbey Hotel in Bath where I love to take tea during the Jane Austen Festival! Hope you're having a lovely week!

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Sarah, I'd be having an even lovelier week if I were having tea in Bath!

A Brit in Tennessee said...

A delightful giveaway. What could be more lovely, than a brand new teapot, filled with Earl Grey tea.
Thank you for extending the offer, and a chance to win.
If I were to be so lucky, I would choose the lime green pot.

The Victorian Girl said...

I would love to have a red teapot! We usually have a cup of tea around 4:00 p.m. Thanks for the lovely giveaway. kellam.susan@yahoo.com

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Thank you, Jo! That lime green would be nice, but the next one I must get is white. The Harney Earl Grey is really good. I must say, I really like all four of these teas.

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Susan, we had a cup at 4:00 also. From the red teapot! Thank you for entering.

Stephanie said...

Dearest Jean, first of all, you are incredibly sweet to offer such a generous giveaway! Oh, how I would LOVE to win these delightful goodies. Darjeeling tea is my ultimate favorite tea {{smiles}} I enjoy brewing a pot of tea in the afternoon which is when I find some quiet time The "chores" are done and it's a few hours before supper.

As for the colors of the tea pot, I like the red and turquoise. Such happy colors!

And finally, you are a doll to let me know about your giveaway especially since I have been rather absent from blog visiting. Bless you!

Thank you for the opportunity, sweet friend. Hugs!

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Stephanie, I'm glad you made it - just in the nick of time! I've been enjoying reading everyone's posts about your exchange - such fun. Hugs to you!

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

*Giveaway Winner Announced* - The winner of the Harney and Sons Fine Teas giveaway, by random drawing, is Jeanie. Jeanie, as soon as you send me, delightfulrepast at aol dot com, shipping information and teapot color choice, Harney and Sons will ship the package. Congratulations!

If I don't hear from the winner of the random drawing by 11:59 am Eastern time Sunday, April 30, another drawing will be held and new winner selected from among the original entrants (those who commented before the giveaway deadline).

This was fun! Watch for more giveaways here at Delightful Repast! In the meantime, follow me on Google, Pinterest (@delightfulrepas) and Twitter (@delightfulrepas). You can even use the Follow Me By Email button in the right column.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I got here too late for the giveaway. I'd love to try these organic teas.
--Carol Ann

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Carol Ann, I'm sorry, too. But I hope you'll try the Harney teas; they are excellent. Ordering through their website is really easy.

Bernideen said...

What was it Julia Child said - "one can never have too much butter"! - well it sure tastes good in Shortbread! Thanks for sharing.

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

It's so true, Bernideen! Butter does make everything better! I grew up eating Walkers shortbread, and it's about the only cookie/biscuit out there that truly is as good as homemade. And, even though I'm a "cat person," those scottie dogs are just too cute to resist! I wasn't surprised to see that it was the only cookie carried by Harney & Sons. (I'm having a cup of their wonderful Assam right now.)